终于可以在PC玩《血源》了 mod制作者将《血源》服装带入《黑魂3》
2023-06-04 23:07:28 小编:3DM整理 我要评论
1 Knight set - knight set
2 gascoigne set - herald set
3 eileen the crow set - fallen knigth set
4 cainhurst set - vilhelm set
5 foreign set - maiden set
6 yharnam set - northern set
7 default hunter - sellsword set
8 ashen hunter - brigand set
9 black church set - court sorcerer set
10 charred hunter set - drang set
11 choir set - sunless set
12 executioner set - executioner set
13 graveguard set - grave warden
14 student set and mensis cage - old sorcerer set
15 tomb prospector - hard leather armor
16 white church set - cleric set
17 yahargul set - jailer set
18 bone ash set - dark set
19 doll set - antiquated set
20 gehrman set - pyromancer set
21 henryk hunter set - shadow set
《血源:诅咒(BloodBorne)》是由From Software制作,索尼发行的一款动作RPG游戏,是《黑暗之魂》系列的精神续作,游戏延续了以巨大的难度和挑战性为特点。本作中的虚拟世界,设定在位于遥远东方,人烟罕至的山区古都“雅南”,是个被诅咒的城市。