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2024-01-24 12:30:02      小编:#0BlackDn      我要评论




Command 命令 Description 描述 /Shutdown {Seconds} {MessageText} Gracefully shuts down server with an optional timer and/or message to notify players in your server.使用可选的计时器和/或消息正常关闭服务器,以通知服务器中的玩家。 /DoExit Forcefully shuts down the server immediately. It is not recommended to use this option unless you've got a technical problem or are okay with potentially losing data.立即强制关闭服务器。不建议使用此选项,除非您遇到技术问题或可以接受可能丢失数据的情况。 /Broadcast {MessageText} Broadcasts a message to all players in the server.向服务器中的所有玩家广播消息。 /KickPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID} Kicks player from the server. Useful for getting a player's attention with moderation.将玩家踢出服务器。有助于适度地吸引玩家的注意力。 /BanPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID} Bans player from the server. The Player will not be able to rejoin the server until they are unbanned.禁止玩家进入服务器。玩家在解禁之前将无法重新加入服务器。 /TeleportToPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID} INGAME ONLYImmediately teleport to the target player仅限游戏内立即传送到目标玩家 /TeleportToMe {PlayerUID or SteamID} INGAME ONLYImmediately teleports target player to you.仅限游戏内立即将目标玩家传送到您身边。 /ShowPlayers Shows information on all connected players显示所有已连接玩家的信息 /Info Shows server information 显示服务器信息 /Save Save the world data to disk. Useful to ensure your Pal, player, and other data is saved before stopping the server or performing a risky gameplay option.将世界数据保存到磁盘。有助于确保您的好友、玩家和其他数据在停止服务器或执行有风险的游戏选项之前得到保存。


设置项 中文释义 Difficulty 难度 DayTimeSpeedRate 白天时间速率 NightTimeSpeedRate 夜间时间速率 ExpRate 经验值率 PalCaptureRate Pal捕获率 PalSpawnNumRate Pal出现率 PalDamageRateAttack Pal攻击伤害倍率 PalDamageRateDefense 对Pal的防御伤害倍率 PlayerDamageRateAttack 玩家攻击伤害倍率 PlayerDamageRateDefense 对玩家的防御伤害倍率 PlayerStomachDecreaceRate 玩家饥饿消耗率 PlayerStaminaDecreaceRate 玩家耐力消耗率 PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate 玩家自动HP恢复率 PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep 玩家睡眠HP恢复率 PalStomachDecreaceRate Pal饥饿消耗率 PalStaminaDecreaceRate Pal耐力消耗率 PalAutoHPRegeneRate Pal自动HP恢复率 PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep Pal睡眠HP恢复率(Palbox中) BuildObjectDamageRate 建筑物伤害倍率 BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate 建筑物损耗率 CollectionDropRate 采集物品掉落倍率 CollectionObjectHpRate 可采集对象HP倍率 CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate 可采集对象重生间隔 EnemyDropItemRate 敌人掉落物品倍率 DeathPenalty 死亡惩罚(无:无丢失,物品:不带装备的丢失物品,物品和装备:丢失物品和装备,全部:丢失所有物品、装备、伙伴(库存中))None : No lost, Item : Lost item without equipment, ItemAndEquipment : Lost item and equipment, All : Lost All item, equipment, pal(in inventory) GuildPlayerMaxNum 公会最大玩家数 PalEggDefaultHatchingTime Pal蛋孵化时间(小时) ServerPlayerMaxNum 服务器最大玩家数 ServerName 服务器名称 ServerDescription 服务器描述 AdminPassword 管理员密码 ServerPassword 设置服务器密码 PublicPort 公共端口号 PublicIP 公共IP RCONEnabled 启用RCON RCONPort RCON端口号





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