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2023-06-16 13:24:21      小编:3DM新闻组-BloodBit      我要评论

近日,美国最大综合性社区Reddit确认又一位重要员工社区主管Jessica Moreno即将离职,她已成为七月份以来该公司第四位离职的知名高级员工。不过据Reddit发言人及其本人解释,此次离职与公司管理和策略问题无关,她只是 为了多花些时间与家人陪伴而选择了离开。关于继任人选仍未确定,目前正与现任CEO Steve Huffman进行交接事宜。

前任Reddit临时CEO鲍康如(Ellen Pao)7月10日宣布辞职,成为该网站陷入持续动荡的新开端。在此之前,该网站因为解雇一名广受欢迎的员工Victoria Taylor而引发许多用户的不满;同时社交新闻平台也因为试图限制言论自由的尺度,而与用户关系持续紧张。

之后,前Reddit首席工程师Bethayne Bloun也宣布离职,她的离职可能归咎于公司的性别歧视氛围。她的离职更导致了该社区最受欢迎的万事通(Ask Me Anything问答环节)功能下线。

而社区主管Jessica Moreno在一封Reddit贴文回复中表示,她是个低调的人,并不准备发布离职声明或引起不必要的关注。仅仅表示此次离职完全是她个人的意愿,希望回到盐湖城陪伴她的家人。她非常享受在Reddit工作的时光,但她不得不离开。而她正在与现任CEO Steve Huffman着手确认新的人选。

Hi everyone.

I did not make an announcement as I’m a really private person. I don’t like attention and having the media involved is super uncomfortable : (

There is a transition in place. I am working with Spez [CEO Steve Huffman] and the new head of community as I leave. I don’t want to announce the person since I’m not sure if they are ready yet. That will be it’s own announcement. Re/code makes it sound like I left abruptly but I haven’t.

My departure has to do with my own life outside of work and nothing internal at reddit. It has nothing to do with the policy changes or being a woman. The author couched facts between sentences meant to inspire speculation.

I have really loved being with reddit and I’m sad to go. Staying just doesn’t work with the rest of my life right now.

I just want to clear up any speculation or misconceptions about this. I assure you that you will be in good hands after I leave. Better than my own, actually.





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