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星际争霸2客户端破解 无内测账号也可以观看replay

2023-06-15 06:48:29      小编:      我要评论

1. Open “StarCraft II Beta\Battle.net\Battle.net.MPQ” with the MPQ archiver.

使用 MPQ Archiver 打開 "StarCraft II Beta\Battle.net\Battle.net.MPQ"

2. Extract “Battle.net\SWF\MainUI.gfx” to the same folder that the MPQ is in.

在同目錄中解壓縮 “Battle.net\SWF\MainUI.gfx”

3. Close the MPQ archiver and rename “MainUI.gfx” to “authentication.gfx”.

重命名為 “authentication.gfx”

4. Create a folder called “SWF” and another inside of it called “Authentication”.

建立一個 “SWF" 文件夾,在其中建立另外一個名為 “Authentication”

5. Put “authentication.gfx” inside the Authentication folder and run “Starcraft II.exe”.

將 “authentication.gfx” 放入 Authentication 文件夾,運行 "Starcraft II.exe"

6. Note: The resulting file should be in “StarCraft II Beta\Battle.net\SWF\Authentication\authentication.gfx”.

7. Download replay files: [
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/733696/Recent.zip ]
下載 REPLAY 文件

8. You can put your *.SC2Replay files in “Documents\StarCraft II Beta\Replays\Multiplayer”.
放入文件夾 “Documents\StarCraft II Beta\Replays\Multiplayer”.





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