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2023-06-15 06:17:01      小编:      我要评论

艺术指导Charles Morrow和创意总监Steve Raffel 构建了整个奇点的总体观感。


  [Charles Morrow:] 奇点是由一个小型但是天才的团队构想出来. 我们明白这是一个很科幻的标题, 但我们并没有立即把这个概念付诸实践.故事的可信度被放在了第一位,之后首席艺术指导得到了一些废弃城市和建筑的震撼照片. 那真是尽可能接近真实的,可信的,史诗般的,被遗忘的世界的感觉.

我们首先提出Katorga-12岛的现实主义概念, 第二阶段制作消光绘图回波处理的经典科幻图章,  符合冷战美学的40和50年代的美国文献图章. 结合了现实和幻想的纹理材质.要求概念美工尽量接近 Katorga-12:一方面真实还原50年代的苏俄, 另一方面塑造科幻太空时代的美国, 并把两者有机地结合起来. 在文体上, 要求也很严格. 我们把这称为“光枪现实主义(Ray-gun Realism).”


我们还在游戏制作早期选定了一个苏俄取景地点. 在游戏主题方面,这能使我们的英雄通过科学奇点置身于历史上著名的冷战紧张局势. 在游戏外观方面, 我们可以创造出一种能够平衡史实与美学的冷峻, 严酷的苏维埃时代建筑风格.

Background  背景
In the dark,Cold War winter of 1949-50,Stalin,the brutal leader of Soviet Union,had two
super weapons...long-range missiles and the atomic bomb.

But even if his teams of forced laborers managed to build a missile powerful enough to
carry an atomic payload,stalin still faced encirclement by the United States and its
Strategic Air Command.

He knew that he needed another advantage over the United States,one that would insure
Soviet security and superiority.

Then came the chance discovery,on a remote island off the Kamchatka peninsula,of a
previously unkonwn material,Element 99.

Element 99(E99) became the new source of stalins hope: a new energy source of
unparalleled power. Unfortunately,the new element also yielded a new kind of
contamination risk.

But these were acceptable risk to stalin-anything for the advancement of the Soviet
People.On Sept 21,1950,driven to complete the project,and in violation of all safety
protocols, a Russian scientist,Barisov,personally triggered a device powered by E99 that
cause a catastrophic event that affected the entire island.

What happened next is unclear.However,there are reports that stalins final dying order
was a hand-written scrawl to quarantine katorga-12.

And so the knowledge of the island remained buried,..until 2010-when intelligence reports
in the west confirm activity on a remote atoll in the Russian Federations shadow.
The world has no memory of katorga-12,No concept of what may be on this island off the
southeast coast if Russia.It is deemed that the world cant afford another Chernobyl-or
worse.Americas answer is to scramble a stealth flyby of the area.they need RECON-and
they need it now.


E99((Element 99)
In 1941,Soviet miners extracting iron ore for the war effort came upon strange
chunks of orange rock on the island of Katorga-12,just off the Kamchatka
peninsula.When studied,it was found that its properties were similar to
Plutonium-it was the periodic table and simply named Element 99.

After WWII ended,scientists descended on Katorga-12 to study this unexplained
substance-one of those scientists was Viktor Barisov.About two months into his
research,Dr.Barisov dicovered that bathing the E99 in an electrical field would
cause it to break down immediately,but create an energy surplus on a 10 to 1
scale in the process.This research soon became Barisovs obsession-it was nearly
free energy,and perfecting this process would create a place in history for both
him and Soviet Russia.
第二次世界大战结束后,科学家突然造访 Katorga-12岛去研究这种无法解释的物质- Viktor Barisov就是其中之一。经过他两个月的研究,Barisov博士发现把E99置于电场中将会导致它立即破裂,但在破裂过程中会产生十倍比例的剩余能量。Barisov很快痴迷于这项研究-这几乎是一种自由能(译者注:自由能指的是在某一个热力学过程中,系统减少的内能中可以转化为对外作功的部分,它衡量的是:在一个特定的热力学过程中,系统可对外输出的“有用能量”。),并且使这个转化过程完美会给他和苏联在史书上留下重重一笔。

Over the next few months,scientists working directly with E99 saw more lab
"accidents" than other experimentation and research-privately,Barisov autopsied
some of the victims.What he found was quite unusual-although the bodies were
charred beyond all recognition,some of the bodies seemed to have gone through
accelerated cellular aging while others went through a reversion process.

It became clear that E99s energy amplification had a dangerous and unpredictable
side effect-it altered the time-state of everything it touched.


The game takes place on a mysterious island known as "Katorga-12" where Russian experiments involving "E99" took place during the height of the Cold War era. Sometime during 1950, a terrible catastrophe known as the "Singularity" occurred on the island.[3]  The player controls Nate Renko, an Air Force pilot who is sent to investigate bizarre radiation emissions coming from the island, only to crash land there. After regaining consciousness, Nate finds the TMD (Time Manipulation Device) and discovers that the island is constantly shifting between the time periods of 1950 and 2010. Renkos goal is to find his co-pilot, escape the island and eventually prevent the Singularity from occuring.

游戏发生在冷战高超时期一个名叫"Katorga-12"的神秘小岛上,在那里俄罗斯进行包括"E99"在内的许多科学实验。1950年的某个时候,被称为是 "奇点"的大灾变发生在这个岛上。玩家控制的是Nate Renko,一名被派来岛上调查奇异辐射变化的空军飞行员 ,不料飞机竟会失事撞毁岛上。当他恢复知觉后,Nate找到了TMD(时间操控设备),并发现岛上的时间状态不断从1950年和2010年来回变化。Renko的目标就是找到他的副驾驶(co-pilot大副),逃离小岛并且最终阻止奇点灾难发生。

During his quest, the player will have to deal with hostile Russian forces in both time periods, and the hideously mutated flora, fauna and former residents of the island, some of which have developed time manipulation powers of their own.


Multiplayer 多人游戏

A multiplayer mode has been confirmed for Singularity, although no details have yet been announced.





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