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2023-06-15 02:57:54      小编:      我要评论


Game Cheat Codes
Add -Dev as a command-line parameter to your shortcut for the game. 在快捷键后添加 -Dev
例子: "C:\Dawn of War - Soulstorm\Soulstorm.exe" -Dev

When playing, press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [~] (tilde) and then type any of the following codes in the console (case sensitive):
Code: Result:
FOW_RevealAll =Remove Fog of War 在战争中消除迷雾
fog_toggle =Remove Fog 消除迷雾
sd_instant_build = 1 Activate Instant Build (Player + CPU) 立即建筑自己和电脑一起有效
sd_instant_build = 0 Disable Instant Build 再打一遍关闭立即建筑

Skirmish Mode Cheats         Skirmish模式下的秘籍
Start Skirmish Mode. When choosing the GAME OPTIONS, "Allow Cheats" must be set to YES. When playing, press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [~] (tilde) and then type any of the following codes in the console:
开始Skirmish模式,当在选择GAME OPTIONS时,"Allow Cheats"必须选择是,玩的时候按[CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [~]开启控制台:
Code: Result:
cheat_power(#) =Get Indicated Amount of Power 给能量
cheat_requisition(#) =Get Indicated Amount of Requisition =???
cheat_revealall Show =Entire Map 地图
cheat_killself= Suicide 自杀
taskbar_hide =Hide Taskbar隐藏任务栏
taskbar_show =Show Taskbar开启任务栏

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