Whatever faction you are playing, whether it be NOD, Scrin, or GDI, there are always units that can compliment your arsenal. Yes, it has been said, spamming one unit simply isn’t the most effective way to utilize your economy. Throughout this guide, I will be introducing and giving tips and useful information on the units that you hardly ever use!
Playing with GDI
Units produced from the Barracks 步兵 1、Spamming Missile Squads can sometimes prove to be costly, but if mixed properly with Predators or Pitbulls, it will give you the extra firepower you need to push your enemy back. However, if playing against a Scrin opponent, you will need to be cautious of a buzzer swarm. I will get to countering infantry momentarily. 暴火箭小队的花费过于昂贵,但如果你把它们与捕食者和斗犬进行混编,你会拥有额外的火力以击退敌人。但如果你面对Scrin敌人,你可要小心蜂群了,它们会秒杀你的步兵。
2、Engineers. Yes I said it - Engineers. If used with your army late game, can grant you a second chance with your fallen Juggernauts. If you have your opponent back against their own base, it would be very easy for an engineer to slip through the chaos and capture his buildings/Tripods/Avatars as well. 工程师,没错,我就是说工程师。如果战斗进行到后期,他可以给你倒下的神像第二条命。如果你已经把你的敌军困在他的老家,你可以轻易使用工程师摸走他的建筑或是3足和圣灵的残骸。
3、Zone Troopers deal quite a bit of damage, and mix well with nearly everything. They have no real weakness, unless a swarm is placed on top of them, a mortar is launched their way or a rain of plasma falls on them from a Devastator. These units are great for absorbing cannon fire, and have their Jump Jets, where if used effectively can really allow you to out-micro your opponent. 重装机兵威力巨大,他们可以和基本任何单位打出优秀的配合。他们的弱点并不明显,除非蜂群技能被扔到他们头上、迫击炮弹正中目标或是毁灭战舰的离子炮弹掉在他们面前。谈们躲避炮弹水平一流,同时他们拥有喷气包,有效利用可以让你的对手操作不暇。
4、The Sniper Team, costing 1000 credits and requiring an armory for deployment. You are looking at 2000 credits before your first sniper team is trained. However, if you are playing against a primarily Militant Rocket Squad-based army, then Snipers are nearly a must have. 狙击手,要花1000大元,由于他们还需要军械库作为前提,一次第一队相当于花了2000块。但如果你对付的是敌军的火箭兵海,狙击手几乎是必须的。 Units produced from the War Factory 载具 1、The APC is a very versatile unit that can carry one infantry in its shell. Mixing a few APC’s with your units can not only help to counter annoying infantry, but can also help to knock out air. Putting a Missile Squad inside of your APC allows for a rather powerful harvester killer. The APC also has a mine drop ability, that when used correctly can change the tide of a battle. For example, if you find yourself passing by an enemy APC (possibly with an engineer in tow), simply determine it’s current path, move to intercept and mine drop that sucker. This will eliminate the APC threat to your base as well as allow you to continue on with your own APC. 运兵车是一个万金油单位,因为你可以让它搭乘一队步兵。为你的部队混编进运兵车并不只是对付步兵,同时也能有效防空,火箭兵进入运兵车之后可以作为矿车杀手。运兵车的布雷技能甚至能影响战斗的趋势——比如你看见了一辆对手的运兵车,里面可能坐着个工程师,你可以快速判断一下他的前进方向并把地雷洒在那里,这在为你清除了工程师威胁的同时可以继续用你的运兵车办你的事。
2、The Rig, yes the Rig. Although rather pricy at 2000 a pop, a Rig is equipped with anti-air missles and two guardian cannons. However, the main feature of a Rig is to repair your injured units. If you are keeping the pressure on your opponent, throwing up a rig behind your arsenal can prove to be a very smart move. 雷格载具,没错我就是说它。虽然要2000一辆,但它拥有防空导弹和2门火炮。更重要的是他们修复你受伤的载具。在交火的军队后方展开一台是很明智的选择。
3、Now that the Pitbull has been nerfed 20% of it’s health, it has become a support unit to the Predator. Although still very useful, the Pitbull can rip up air, detect stealthed units, and with the mortar upgrade - demolish buildings and infantry without breaking a sweat. 现在斗犬血减少了20%,使它成为了捕食者坦克的支援单位。但他仍旧十分有用——它可以防空、反隐,升级了迫击炮之后,还可以轻松打击建筑和步兵。 Units produced from the Airfield 空军
1、Most units that are being spammed today can counter air with relative ease. However, if your opponent, lets say, is massing Tripods - it would be a wise idea to get some Orcas up to quickly knock down them out. If, and when the threat is eliminated, you have air to harass not only his army, but his harvesters and buildings as well. 虽然现在大家暴的单位基本都有防空功能,然而假设你的对手只暴3足的话,造一些奥卡来击倒它们是明智的。在威胁解除之后,你还可以用他们来打击对手建筑。 2、If you are being out spammed unit wise, I wouldn’t recommend throwing up a airfield unless you are able to get some early hits off with your Orcas. However as the game progresses, I would erect another airfield and get some Firehawks. More information can be found on firehawks can be found in the Firehawk Tip of the Week. 我不建议早期建机场,除非你想使用奥卡快攻。但是随游戏进行,我会造一座机场出火鹰。更多战术请参阅每周战术提示之火鹰(已翻译,在4楼 by 海洛因)。 GDI Structural Support 建筑 1、Although it promotes base crawling, being able to plop down a guardian cannon or guard tower really allows you to take control of the battle. If the battle meets you at your doorstep, remember you always have the advantage. Guard towers easily allow you to rip through infantry, and having a war factory near by not only allows you to produce more units, but to repair your units in combat. 虽然不赞成延建筑,但放置一座机枪塔或守卫者炮塔可以让你控制住战斗局势。如果战斗发生在你的家门口,记住优势在你一方。机枪塔可以有效对抗步兵,前线的车厂不光能造车,还能为你的作战单位提供修理。
2、Throwing down War Factories and Barracks as you crawl and push your opponent back, can allow you to not only repair your tanks, but for you to keep your army strong. 在你对敌人进行反击时,放置车厂和兵营不只是修理坦克,也为你的军队补充兵力。 3、Sonic Emitters are extremely powerful and you should always have your defense structure cue filled with them, as throwing one down in front of an opponent’s advancing army is almost always beneficial no matter what ground unit is in said army. 音波塔威力极大,是你防御建筑中最重要的。把它扔到敌人进攻部队前面,不管他的陆军有多少,你都是受益的一方。 Playing with Nod 用Nod进行游戏 Nod isn’t entirely a tank spamming faction anymore. Unit mixing and supporting is more crucial with Nod than any other faction. Luckily for Nod commanders, it is the most versatile faction in the game. Use this to your advantage! I wont mention harassment with Nod, as it is not the point of this guide. Nod已经不再是一个只暴坦克的阵营,兵种搭配你其他阵营更重要。Nod指挥官应该感到幸运的是,Nod是战术最多变的阵营,你应该把它作为你的优势!不过我不是指骚扰,这不是本篇文章的内容之一。 Units produced from the Hand of Nod 步兵 1、Ever since the 1.05 Patch, Nods infantry has become more important and crucial to success than ever. Building Militant Rocket Squads with Attack Buggies (Tsunami) has proved to be a successful way to counter most Scrin and GDI build orders. With the Secret Shrine and it’s Confessor and Tiberium infusion upgrades that give Militant Rocket Squads the elite infantry status capable of shredding through nearly any foe, infantry have become very important to Nod’s success. 1.05之后,Nod步兵变得更加重要,对胜利的影响更大。火箭兵配合四驱车(海啸)被证明能够克制多数GDI和Scrin开局。在秘密神殿中研究圣徒和泰矿注射可以使得火箭兵实力大增,步兵对Nod胜利起的作用很大。
2、Fanatics are great against a sheer cannon inspired foe. Fanatics deal a great amount of damage, and if they are swarmed they will kill the buzzers as they die. Fanatic spam is effective for a small period in the game. Once your opponent sees that this is how you are advancing, they would likely build some APC’s/Buggies/Gun Walkers and quickly eliminate your opposing threat. Once you are able to keep their tanks at bay, continue to build up your base and expand your main army. 狂热者躲避炮弹很出色。他们可以造成巨大的伤害,蜂群杀死他之后也会被炸死。暴狂热者对小规模战斗很有用。一旦对手发现你造了狂热者,他们会运兵车/四驱车/蜘蛛来清除威胁。因此当你把敌人坦克逼退之后,继续发展你的军队和基地。
3、Black Hand is a great way to combat enemy infantry, and deal substantial damage to buildings (although hardly cost effective), the Black Hand is better than the Shadow Team when it comes to wiping out mass infantry spam. However, if used incorrectly, your opponent will be able to kill them with their buggies/APC’s/buzzers. That is why this is a support guide! I am against the spam of a singular unit! Rawr! 黑手对付敌人步兵很好使,对付建筑也有很大的破坏(虽然不一定有这个机会),黑手克制步兵海比影子小队更管用。但是如果没用好,他们会被你对手的运兵车/四驱车/蜂群杀死。对此我不负责任,这只是一个辅助单位指导,我只是叫你不要暴一种兵而已! Units produced from the War Factory 载具 With the substantial nerf to Scorpions, they no longer can win a battle on their own. Also, please note I am not recommending that you go for scorpion spam right off the bat. There are a few things that may help you in your pursuit for map control.
1、Attack bikes provide a powerful punch, and are effective early game. I wouldn’t use them as an assault force though, as thier armor cannot match up to other early game units. The bikes are better spent economy harassing and driving your enemies force away from your base. 攻击摩托火力强大,它们在初期十分实惠。我不建议你用他们进攻,因为它们的装甲比起同级单位太弱了。摩托应该用于骚扰经济和将来犯之敌赶出你的基地。
2、Raider Buggies are great for knocking out infantry, and if you are going for a Scorpion build, if you don’t build infantry to compliment your arsenal, I can nearly promise you will not win. In late game situations, upgrading your buggies with the EMP Burst and microing them to get within your enemies force and deploying can turn the tide in the battle. 四驱车对打击步兵很有效,如果你只造蝎子坦克不造步兵,我估计你赢不了。在游戏后期,给四驱车升级脉冲线圈,利用微操冲入敌阵展开,你就可以直接清场了。
3、In late game situations, the Avatar is a very valuable option. With a massive amount of armor, the Avatar is great for absorbing enemy fire. Again, pure avatar spam will not win you a game. You need to mix your arsenal to come out victorious. 游戏后期圣灵非常物有所值。他的血量可以抗住大量敌军炮火。但是造纯圣灵绝对赢不了,你需要和其他兵种配合。 4、Beam Cannons can also be very lethal in groups, although I wouldn’t recommend building more than five of them, they are great for shredding buildings, and if you have the time to build a few, I would highly recommend it. 光束炮成群后是致命的,不过我不建议造超过5个。它们对付建筑很强大,我强烈建议你要造几个。 5、Stealth Tanks are necessary for countering air. Although they don’t have a ton of health, having them behind your forward force and using their far range as an advantage can secure a victory. I wouldn’t recommend having more than seven of them in your army, however if your opponent is assaulting you with an airforce that would make General Granger speechless, then build more! 用隐性坦克防空是必要的,由于它们皮比较薄,利用它们的射程优势将其放在进攻单位后面打击可以保障你的胜利。我不建议造7辆以上,但如果你的对手使用连葛陵格将军(C&C将军中的空军将军 海洛因注)都自愧不如的空军进攻你,放开了造吧! Units produced from the Air Tower 空军
2、Venoms are nearly useless until upgraded with the Laser Capacitors, and once this is done, your venoms become incredibly powerful units. Although to be effective, you need quite a few, venoms are great for taking out other air (Scrin in particular), and can assist your ground force in the event of a battle. They are extremely effective at countering any type of infantry, and they support a Tsunami rush perfectly. 毒液在升级电容之前用处不大,一旦升级完毕,它将变得非常强大。不过要想让它们发挥出实力你要多造一些,毒液对空军(特别是Scrin)很强,它们也可以支援陆军,对付步兵非常出色,可以完美地对海啸战术进行辅助。 2、Vertigo Bombers are the most powerful air to ground unit in the game. They are effective against ground troops more-so than Firehawks, however it takes 5 Vertigo’s to take out a tech center (for comparison, it only takes 4 Firehawks). I wouldn’t recommend sending vertigos in for building assault, unless you are picking off cranes. They are great for combating Mammoths and tripods, and they have a massive splash radius. Adding them to your force helps to force your opponent to spam anti-air, thus weakening their ground-to-ground force. 眩晕轰炸机是最强大的攻击地面单位的空军,对付步兵也比火鹰更强一些,不过炸掉一座高科需要5架眩晕(与之相比,火鹰只要4架)。我不建议用眩晕拆建筑,除非是起重机。它们对付猛犸和3足很强,同时他们伤害半径很大。早选运会让你的对手修建防空,从而减少陆军实力。 Build, build, build says the MCV! 建筑,用基地车建造! Nod has one of the best defensive unit arsenals in the game. Nod拥有游戏中最好的防御建筑。 1、If you are backed against a wall, Laser turrets can be very effective in removing tanks and other fodder. 如果有墙作为支持(什么意思?),激光炮塔可以轻易干掉坦克。
2、The Nod Sam Turret can knock out air quite effectively, having a large splash radius. They can rip up venoms and other air units in your base, and also at the frontlines provided you have ground control nearby, as the Sam Turret has a fairly large range. Nod导弹塔对空军很有效,它的爆炸范围很大,可以撕碎进入你基地的毒液或是其他空军单位。导弹塔同样拥有较大的摆放范围。
3、The Obelisk is the most powerful tier 3 structure. Taking 4 shots from a Sonic Emitter, and having the ability to be charged by Beam Cannons being able to pop up an obelisk on the front lines provides not only a powerful weapon, but can absorb quite a bit of fire. 光明石碑是威力最大的3级炮塔,4下打掉一座音波炮,还可以用音波炮冲能。它不仅是一个不错的武器,同样也可以吸收很多火力。 Playing with Scrin
Although Seeker spam has proved to be very effective early game (Maybe not as much now that the 1.09 patch draws near), as the game wears on and you are facing, lets say a Mammy/Jugg army, you will need more than tripods alone to knock out and defeat your foe.
虽然探索者海在游戏初期很有效(可能1.09就不是了),但是随着游戏进行,你需要比3足更多的兵种才能击败对手。 Units produced from the Portal
步兵 1、Buzzers are lethal to all infantry, and can kill garrisoned units as well. Mixing them with your seekers leaves you nearly no weakness except for well armored units.
蜂群对所有步兵都是致命的,同时它也可以杀死建筑的驻军。蜂群和探索者的搭配让你除了重装甲部队外没什么弱点。 2、If you are facing predators or other tanks, it would be wise to mix in a few disintegrators with your force.
如果你面对捕食者或者其他坦克,混合一些粉碎者是明智的。 3、As the game wears on, it’s a good idea to upgrade your infantry to shock troopers. These buggers can absorb a ton of cannon fire and shell out quite a bit of damage. Provided you upgrade them with Plasma Disc Launchers, they can become anti-air units as well.
随着游戏的进行,升级突击兵(震波部队/蒜头/小茄子……随便你怎么叫……)是个好主意。这些虫子受到炮弹攻击只受一点点伤害。升级了飞盘之后,它们防空也很好。 4、Assimilators (Engineers) in late game situations, ALWAYS carry these with your army. If you lose a tripod, you can simply scoop it back up so it can fight another day. Having the ability to stealth when standing still also allows a lot more maneuverability for the assimilator. This makes it easier to sneak into your enemy’s base and capture buildings.
同化者(工程师)在游戏后期应该永远随军出征。当你的3足倒下了,只要让工程师一扶就可以再战下去。站立隐身的特性使它更具操作性,它使得你可以把同化者埋伏在敌人基地边上伺机占领建筑。 Units produced from the Warp Sphere
载具 Seekers used to be the only unit needed to win a game. Now with the health nerf, you will need to mix in more units from your Warp Sphere to make up for the now lack of firepower.
探索着曾经是你胜利所唯一需要的,但是血量被削弱之后,你需要其他载具的配合。 1、Gun Walkers are great for clearing out air, however with buzzers raping most infantry, they really aren’t needed in an early game scenario.
蜘蛛(中型坦克这个翻译是猪起的)防空很有效,但是由于步兵有蜂群来搞,游戏早期并不用急着出厂。 2、Corruptors are easily the most underused unit that Scrin has to offer, aside from the gun walker, of course. With its ability to repair your units on the run, the Corruptor is a very versatile unit. Capable of shredding buildings, and melting infantry this unit is underappreciated thus far. Sticking a few of these behind your tripods or seekers/devourer and force firing on your units that are taking damage can be really frustrating for your enemy. Although they aren’t the fasted units in the game, nor are they loaded with health, they are capable to keep your units alive and keep you pressing forward.
3、Devourer Tanks are great when charged, and can successfully kill every tier 1 through 3 unit. Although they don’t have a ton of health, they are very maneuverable and easy to micro. If you are going spam over tech, building these mixed with your seekers and buzzers leaves you with nearly no weaknesses, save for air units.
吞噬着坦克吃了矿以后非常强大,可以虐每个阵营第一行的3种载具。虽然血不是很多,但他们拥有良好的操控性,很适合微操。如果你发展了科技,可以把它与探索者和蜂群混合,这样你基本没什么弱点,除了空军。 Remember, if you are thinking to go all out tripod spam, you are susceptible to being countered with air and or infantry. Be sure you mix up your arsenal as you press forward to maximize your unit’s effectiveness.
注意,如果你只暴3足,你可能会被空军和步兵克死。所以你要混合编队,让单位的效力最大化。 Units produced from the Gravity Stabilizer
空军 Scrin has the best air force in the game, and not using it would be a waste!
Scrin空军是最强的,不用就浪费了! 1、Stormriders are an okay option early game if you are getting rushed with predators, however they are easily countered. Your economy is better used building infantry and seekers/devourers.
如果对手捕食者快攻,风暴骑士是初期不错的选择。但它们很容易被克制,造步兵和探索者/吞噬者坦克更物有所值。 2、After you tech, Devastator Warships are lethal for buildings as well as infantry. Extremely effective at destroying buildings and infantry and their incredible range helps this, so by holding them behind your frontline you can keep firing effectively and not take much damage.
科技发展以后,毁灭者战舰对步兵和建筑都是致命的。他们的射程更是了得,让他们不要太靠近前线,这样火力不会减少,但遭到的攻击就少多了。 3、If you have the money to upgrade your air even further, get a Signal Transmitter and begin to build Planetary Assault Carriers. These have no real weakness and can deploy an ion storm that not only heals itself, but improves its firepower.
如果你不愁钱,可以建造信号产生器来出行星突击航母。它们弱点很少,释放的离子风暴不光能回血,也可以加强攻击力。 Scrin Structural Support
建筑 Scrin has very useful defensive structures that should be used if you are held in your own base.
为了守家的话,Scrin的防御建筑是很有用的。 1、Buzzer Hive. The most powerful of the anti infantry buildings, these are great if you have infantry in your base.
蜂巢是最强力的反步兵建筑,如果对手步兵进了你的基地,建造它们的威力是巨大的。 2、Photon Cannons, or the little hand thingies. These guys are great for soaking up enemy fire as you use your army to knock out the opposing forces. Be sure you have it repairing, and the longer it stays alive the more fire it soaks up allowing your units the advantage.
光子炮,就是那个小手一样的东西。用你的单位攻击敌人时,它们能起到吸引火力的作用。别忘了修理,它们活得越久,吸引的火力越多,你的单位也就越有优势。 3、Storm Columns are good for supporting your air units, and supply a powerful defense if you are unable to hold off your opponents force with simply units. For more information on proper Storm Column usage, please refer to this Tip of the Week on Storm Columns.
风杆可以支援你的空军,或者在你只用单位守不住家时给你以援助。它的更多作用请参阅每周战术提示之风杆(可能我以后会翻译 by 海洛因) 坦克微操技巧 英文作者:Megaowner Micromanagement of your units is hugely important and can be difference between loosing just 5 tanks or 10 tanks in a battle. Micro refers to a player’s management over individual units in combat situations, and is a tough skill to master. You need to be fast and precise in your Execution. 对单位的微操是非常重要的,决定了你在战斗中损失5辆还是10辆坦克。微操是玩家对单个单位的战斗控制,熟练之后是很强大的。你在下达命令时必须做到快速精准。 Directional Damage 方向伤害 In C&C3 units have directional damage, which means that they take more damage at certain areas. In this case these areas being the sides and rear of your units. This means when under enemy fire you want your units facing towards your opponent’s units to minimize the possibility of your opponent hitting your units from the rear or sides dealing extra damage. 在C&C3中是有方向伤害系统的,这意味着你的单位如果从侧面或者后面遭到攻击,受到的损失会更大。因此你需要让你的单位面对它的敌人,从而避免侧面或者后部受到额外的伤害。 When attacking your opponent it’s wise to attempt to surround his units exposing his sides and rear so you can take full advantage of the extra damage which will then be inflicted. This is one of the more important skills to know in C&C3 since the additional damage you can inflict from exploiting direction damages can ultimately win you a fight, quicker and easier with more units left over. 攻击对手时,从侧面和后方进行包围是明智的,它会让你获得所有额外伤害带来的好处。这是一个很重要的技巧,凭借这一点你可以更快更轻松地赢得胜利,保留更多的战斗力。 Reverse Move 倒车 Reverse move is an art in itself and it near enough explains itself. You are basically issuing your units to reverse. The benefits of this is that you can reverse out of battles without having to turn around and driving away normally which would allow your opponent to hit the rear and inflict extra damage. It’s important to save your units for the sheer fact that replacing them costs money, and if you are busy replacing units your force won’t grow. With that said there are times to reverse and escape and then there are times when it could in fact loose you the battle. 倒车的名字本身就已经解释了自己的用途。让你的部队倒车所带来的好处是让它们无需因为掉头而把侧面和后面暴露给敌人,和一般的逃跑不同,你不必因遭受更多损失重新购置军队。有句话讲:你逃跑了多少次,也就输了多少次。 Don’t reverse away single units if your opponent will then out number you. This throws the advantage to him. In cases like this it’s best to reverse all your force back towards your War Factory. 不要只把单个单位撤走,让你的敌人从数量上压过你的剩余部队,最好是把你的军队一起撤回车厂。 Focus Fire 集中火力 To get the most out of your units, you need to micro them so they all don’t shoot at the same target at once and simply waste ammo over killing an enemy unit. For example 30 Predators all attacking the same unit is stupidity. Learn roughly how many shots each unit can take from a certain unit and control your army so that you can kill multiple units quickly and not just one at a time, since this gives your opponents army time to damage your units and take a couple out, when with the correct focusing you can literally kill his tanks off quicker and avoid getting yours badly hurt. 为了让你的单位发挥最大效用,你需要操作它们使得它们不同时只攻击一个目标而浪费弹药。举例讲,30辆捕食者攻击一个单位是愚蠢的,你要搞清打一个目标需要多少发炮弹,从而让你的部队一次击杀多个目标,虽然你的敌人也会给你以创伤,但正确的集中火力会使你迅速搞定对手坦克,避免更严重的伤害。 An example of this would be say you have 20 Predators VS 2 Scorpions. Don’t order all 20 Preds to fire on one Scorp and then the other. Have 10 fire on one, and the other then 10 on the other at the same time 比如你用20辆捕食者打2辆蝎子,别让20辆捕食者先打一辆再打一辆,应该让10辆捕食者攻击其中一辆,另外10辆攻击另一辆,则可以一次解决。 Flanking 侧翼 Don’t just run your army head on into your opponent’s tanks, split yours up into two groups and flank, thus you’re attacking your enemy’s tanks from two sides and forcing him to reveal his units rear and sides to you as he chooses which small group to attack. Micro your army and focus fire on the ones who are revealing there weak spots. If one of your small groups start to get owned reverse away, your opponent will then turn his force around to attack your other small group, at which point you tell the group which reversed away to get back in there and hit the rears. 别让你的军队硬着头皮冲向敌人坦克群,把其分成2组从2侧进攻,你的敌人会选择其中一个小组攻击,因此会迫使其把侧面和后面暴露给你另一个小组。集中火力攻击它的弱点,如果你让其中一个小组撤退,敌人则会攻击你另一个小组,此时你应该把撤退的小组拉回来继续从后部攻击。 Flanking Bases... Needless to say this is pretty self explanatory. Flanking his base from opposite sides at the same time will most likely panic your opponent for a moment as he decides what to do to counter. Thus you can pick things off very quickly and once he does counter you retreat.
Additionally you can steer his attention away by attacking with a large force from one side, then when he is busy with your large force you sneak in a small army from the opposite side. 侧翼进攻基地……不用进一步解释它是什么。从2个对边进攻对手基地很可能让你的对手陷入短暂的痛苦中,他要决定自己该怎么办。因此你可以在他做出反击之前快捞一笔后撤退。另外也可以让对手的注意力集中到正面大军交火,派小股兵力从另一侧潜入他的基地。 Drawing Fire 火力牵制 Drawing Fire... Simply put you send one or two units in to get your opponent’s tanks attention then as they fire upon your 2 units reverse away and move the rest of your army in, your enemy’s units will still be locked onto the retreating 2 Predators while your army is coming in and firing off their first rounds. 火力牵制……先把你以两个单位放进对手坦克群射程之后让它撤退,让你的其余部队冲上,此时你敌人的部队仍然锁定在撤退的2辆捕食者上,白挨了你的军队的第一轮炮击。 Attack Move 攻击型移动 Simply put this command tells your units to stop and attack any enemy unit in range. Say for example you’re on your merry way to his base, and he sends his units, attack move would mean your units will automatically stop and attack his army as he passes yours. 这条命令告诉你的军队去阻止并攻击一切进入射程的敌人。比如你在向敌基地进发的时候,如果敌人派兵阻拦,攻击型移动会让你的单位自动攻击路过的敌人。 Hold Fire 停火 Best used with stealthed units. This command basically tells your units to not fire until ordered to. Great if you have a stealthed force that you don’t want to reveal the location of. 对隐形单位最好用。这个命令告诉你的部队在接到命令前不要开火。这对于你不想让其暴露目标的隐性单位最适合。 Formations 阵型 Use formations to maximize your army. It’s no use sending your units to attack his and they are coming at him in a line. Your force will then just get picked off one by one. 使用阵型来让你的军队发挥最大效力。否则如果你的军队在攻击敌人是排成了一长串,那么将会被敌人逐个击破。 This ultimately helps you since all your tanks can fire straight away, rather than some being stuck behind others and trying hopelessly to get into range while your front tanks are being horribly molested. 阵型可以帮助你的所有坦克在第一时刻都能开火,而不是其中一些因为被堵在了别人的后边,在前边的坦克得人虐时原地打转。 Grouping 编队 Grouping is the art in where you can assign your armies numbers. Thus making them easier to Select. Not much else to explain here, just remember that if you send some units back to get repaired you should firstly remove them from the group so you don’t accidentally order it to another location. 编队是通过给你的军队编号,使得它们更容易被选取。不用过多解释,你只要记住,在派一些单位回去修理的时候,第一件事应该是先把它们从队伍中剔除,这样你才不会又命令它们到别的地方。 火鹰战机与层云推进操作技巧 英文作者:Fritobag What’s a Firehawk you ask?
什么是火鹰战机? A Firehawk is one of the most devastating air units in Command and Conquer 3 that you have at your disposal as a GDI player, allowing you to cripple an opponent’s entire tech with a couple ground pounder bombs, allowing you to start clearing those overpowered sonic emitters and tier3 defenses your opponent has begun to lame, and/or allowing you to bomb enemy warfactories and power plants!
如果你是一位操作得当的GDI玩家,火鹰战机则是命令与征服3中最具破坏性的空军单位之一,它的对地炸弹能让你瘫痪对手的科技,清掉你对手垒的那些过强的音波塔或者其它3级防御塔,也可以用来轰炸敌人的车厂和电站。 Not only that, but the Firehawk’s missile load can be switched from the bombs into anti-air missiles, allowing you to say...potentially take out 10+ venoms or 10+ stormriders with 4 Firehawks alone! So now onto...
不仅如此,火鹰战机可以在炸弹和对空导弹之间切换,这可以让你只用4架火鹰鹫干掉敌人10架以上的毒液或者驭风者。 How does the Firehawk work?
火鹰战机怎么用? Well, first of all, the prerequisites to build Firehawks are a Tech center+ having an airfield with spaces for aircraft available. If you have those prereqs, you will be able to begin construction of Firehawks.
建造火鹰的前提条件是高科+拥有空位的机场。如果你已经具备了,就可以开始建造火鹰了。 The Firehawk can be armed (as mentioned above) with either bombs that own any type of structure, or the Firehawk can be loaded with air-to-air missiles, allowing you to totally own enemy aircraft.
火鹰战机可以装备(前文已经提及)能够克制所有建筑的炸弹和能够克制所有空军的对空导弹。 These are what a firehawk armed with air-to-ground bombs looks like:
Here’s are the Stratofighter icon that allows you to use the Stratofighter ability and here are also the loadout icons, allowing you to switch your Firehawk loadout by simply having your Firehawks on an airfield and clicking either icon.
Firehawk armed with air-to-air missiles:
Once you’ve loaded your Firehawks with, let’s say air-ground-bombs, you’ll want to lift off your Firehawks, find a building to destroy, and simply right click/target the building and let the Firehawks unleash hell! Like below, bye bye tech center:
Firehawk Micromanagement Techniques
火鹰战机操作技巧 When using Firehawks, there are two main keys to being successful:
1) Getting your Firehawks alive to target building to blow up.
2) Not wasting your precious loadout along the way
2)不要在路上浪费了宝贵的弹药。 With the Firehawk, a key technique to remember is ALWAYS use the hold fire stance with your Firehawks. You never want to attack move, or set Firehawks to aggressive, because this means the AI is the one controlling your Firehawks. And while you, the player, realize how important it is to take out a tech center, the AI may think it’s more important to use your Firehawks to take out a lonely riflemen.
使用火鹰时,一个最关键的技巧就是让它们永远保持停火姿态。不要把火鹰A过去,或者将它们设为攻击姿态,这意味着你把火鹰交给了AI控制。你作为玩家明白炸掉高科是最重要的,但AI可能认为炸掉一个落单的机枪兵更重要。 So whenever you have produced a Firehawk, one or more, always hotkey your Firehawks so you can keep track of them and set their stance to hold-fire stance.
所以你在造好一架或更多火鹰之后,应该及时给他们编好队,你需要一直关注它们,并使得它们保持停火姿态。 Using the hold-fire stance also guarantees that your Firehawks will not wander off into 30 pitbulls!
使用停火姿态同样可以保证它们不会没事跑进30辆斗犬堆里! Stratofighter Micromanagement Techniques
层云推进操作技巧 The Stratofighter upgrade is one that many people forget is there. But it’s one of the most useful abilities in the game. The Stratofighter upgrade allows you to essentially teleport your Firehawks to ANY spot on the map! So if you’re opponent has 30 pitbulls blocking your way to bombing his tech center... all you have to do is Stratofighter past those pitbulls, and then use the Stratofighter ability to teleport your Firehawks into his base to do your damage!
层云推进是一个被大多数人所遗忘的升级,但它却是游戏中最有用的技能之一。层云推进器可以让你把火鹰瞬移到地图的任何角落!如果你的对手用30辆斗犬拦在到他的高科的路上,你只要用层云推进越过那些斗犬就可以了。 You research the Stratofighter upgrade at the Tech center here:
The easiest way to gain vision of a safe spot on the map to Stratofighter to is by using the GDI’s Radar Scan ability, or even an Orca Strike:
And you can also use 1 pitbull or any other unit of yours to scout the map and gain vision so that you don’t Strato your firehawks into 50 rocket troops or other danger.
你也可以用一个斗犬或者其它单位侦查一下地图,用以保证不把火鹰推进到50个火箭兵群里。 You can Strato blindly into the fog of war, but it’s not recommended because you’re essentially gambling when you do. Use good judgement, and Strato to parts of your opponent’s base where you know there is not likely to be any anti-air for sure.
虽然你可以直接把它们传进迷雾中,但不建议这样做,因为这如同赌博。通过良好的判断,把战机传到没有敌人防空的位置是最好不过的。 Once you have vision of the portion of the map that you want (or you can Strato without scouting), you’ll need to Select all of your Firehawks, left click/use the Strato hotkey(control+A in below screenshot) to use the ability, and then left click the location where you want your Firehawks to teleport to:
Your Firehawks now will Stratofighter into the atmosphere like this:
And then when they get to the spot they strato’d to you can of course target a building, like this
And keep in mind, when you strato INSIDE of an enemy’s perimeter, you need to bomb the buliding asap...but how will you get out? Your opponent will no doubt be sending pitbulls/seekers and anti-air your way, so a good way to escape unscathed is to fly your Firehawks around the back of your enemy’s base and wait for the Strato ability to recharge, then strato your way out!
记住,当你进入敌区之后,应以最快速度扔出炸弹……但你怎么离开呢?你的对手肯定已经派斗犬/探索者或者其它防空拦截你了。因此最好的办法是继续往敌人基地后方飞,等到推进器再次充能完毕之后脱出! And by all means, if you get into the situation below, please use your Strato ability to escape so your Firehawks live another day!
如果到了下图这种境地,推进器可以让火鹰战机逃过一劫! 除雷铲 英文作者:FreeZZinG 花费 : 1000 Dozer blades are an upgrade from the Nod Technology center and give quite a few bonuses to the Scorpion Tank. The first bonus is the ability to run over or squish heavy infantry. Heavy infantry include Zone Troopers, (GDI) Shock Troopers, (Scrin) and all Commandos which include the Mastermind if you are lucky enough to run it over. Also you can run over disintegrators and take no damage. As normally your tank would take a heavy hit for running them over, now the only damage you take, if any is the actual attack, not the trample penalty. Additionally they can run over mines AND take no damage from the initial mine drop either. So Nods mine drop and the GDI APC mine drop are useless once you get your dozer blades up.
除雷铲是Nod高科的一项升级,他可以让你的蝎子坦克增强不少——第一个好处就是你可以碾压重步兵。重步兵包括重装机兵(GDI)、突击兵(Scrin)和包括摄魂者(你得人品够好才能碾上它)在内的所有特种兵。你也可以毫发无损的碾压粉碎者,否则你会受到巨大的伤害(升级完铲子后,你可能看到蝎子碾过粉碎者还是掉了点血,那时它们打的,而不是碾压爆炸)。另外地雷也对它们无效了,因此升级完铲子之后你就可以无视Nod的投雷和GDI的运兵车布雷了。 Second bonus, is that dozer blades give more health and frontal armor to your scorpion tanks, basically making them more effective in combat since they are already quite weak as far as armor goes. This also applies when a scorpion tank takes a direct hit from a SE. It will survive one hit with dozer blades, but without them, would die in the one hit.
Units produced from the Barracks 步兵 1、Spamming Missile Squads can sometimes prove to be costly, but if mixed properly with Predators or Pitbulls, it will give you the extra firepower you need to push your enemy back. However, if playing against a Scrin opponent, you will need to be cautious of a buzzer swarm. I will get to countering infantry momentarily. 暴火箭小队的花费过于昂贵,但如果你把它们与捕食者和斗犬进行混编,你会拥有额外的火力以击退敌人。但如果你面对Scrin敌人,你可要小心蜂群了,它们会秒杀你的步兵。
2、Engineers. Yes I said it - Engineers. If used with your army late game, can grant you a second chance with your fallen Juggernauts. If you have your opponent back against their own base, it would be very easy for an engineer to slip through the chaos and capture his buildings/Tripods/Avatars as well. 工程师,没错,我就是说工程师。如果战斗进行到后期,他可以给你倒下的神像第二条命。如果你已经把你的敌军困在他的老家,你可以轻易使用工程师摸走他的建筑或是3足和圣灵的残骸。
3、Zone Troopers deal quite a bit of damage, and mix well with nearly everything. They have no real weakness, unless a swarm is placed on top of them, a mortar is launched their way or a rain of plasma falls on them from a Devastator. These units are great for absorbing cannon fire, and have their Jump Jets, where if used effectively can really allow you to out-micro your opponent. 重装机兵威力巨大,他们可以和基本任何单位打出优秀的配合。他们的弱点并不明显,除非蜂群技能被扔到他们头上、迫击炮弹正中目标或是毁灭战舰的离子炮弹掉在他们面前。谈们躲避炮弹水平一流,同时他们拥有喷气包,有效利用可以让你的对手操作不暇。
4、The Sniper Team, costing 1000 credits and requiring an armory for deployment. You are looking at 2000 credits before your first sniper team is trained. However, if you are playing against a primarily Militant Rocket Squad-based army, then Snipers are nearly a must have. 狙击手,要花1000大元,由于他们还需要军械库作为前提,一次第一队相当于花了2000块。但如果你对付的是敌军的火箭兵海,狙击手几乎是必须的。 Units produced from the War Factory 载具 1、The APC is a very versatile unit that can carry one infantry in its shell. Mixing a few APC’s with your units can not only help to counter annoying infantry, but can also help to knock out air. Putting a Missile Squad inside of your APC allows for a rather powerful harvester killer. The APC also has a mine drop ability, that when used correctly can change the tide of a battle. For example, if you find yourself passing by an enemy APC (possibly with an engineer in tow), simply determine it’s current path, move to intercept and mine drop that sucker. This will eliminate the APC threat to your base as well as allow you to continue on with your own APC. 运兵车是一个万金油单位,因为你可以让它搭乘一队步兵。为你的部队混编进运兵车并不只是对付步兵,同时也能有效防空,火箭兵进入运兵车之后可以作为矿车杀手。运兵车的布雷技能甚至能影响战斗的趋势——比如你看见了一辆对手的运兵车,里面可能坐着个工程师,你可以快速判断一下他的前进方向并把地雷洒在那里,这在为你清除了工程师威胁的同时可以继续用你的运兵车办你的事。
2、The Rig, yes the Rig. Although rather pricy at 2000 a pop, a Rig is equipped with anti-air missles and two guardian cannons. However, the main feature of a Rig is to repair your injured units. If you are keeping the pressure on your opponent, throwing up a rig behind your arsenal can prove to be a very smart move. 雷格载具,没错我就是说它。虽然要2000一辆,但它拥有防空导弹和2门火炮。更重要的是他们修复你受伤的载具。在交火的军队后方展开一台是很明智的选择。
3、Now that the Pitbull has been nerfed 20% of it’s health, it has become a support unit to the Predator. Although still very useful, the Pitbull can rip up air, detect stealthed units, and with the mortar upgrade - demolish buildings and infantry without breaking a sweat. 现在斗犬血减少了20%,使它成为了捕食者坦克的支援单位。但他仍旧十分有用——它可以防空、反隐,升级了迫击炮之后,还可以轻松打击建筑和步兵。 Units produced from the Airfield 空军
1、Most units that are being spammed today can counter air with relative ease. However, if your opponent, lets say, is massing Tripods - it would be a wise idea to get some Orcas up to quickly knock down them out. If, and when the threat is eliminated, you have air to harass not only his army, but his harvesters and buildings as well. 虽然现在大家暴的单位基本都有防空功能,然而假设你的对手只暴3足的话,造一些奥卡来击倒它们是明智的。在威胁解除之后,你还可以用他们来打击对手建筑。 2、If you are being out spammed unit wise, I wouldn’t recommend throwing up a airfield unless you are able to get some early hits off with your Orcas. However as the game progresses, I would erect another airfield and get some Firehawks. More information can be found on firehawks can be found in the Firehawk Tip of the Week. 我不建议早期建机场,除非你想使用奥卡快攻。但是随游戏进行,我会造一座机场出火鹰。更多战术请参阅每周战术提示之火鹰(已翻译,在4楼 by 海洛因)。 GDI Structural Support 建筑 1、Although it promotes base crawling, being able to plop down a guardian cannon or guard tower really allows you to take control of the battle. If the battle meets you at your doorstep, remember you always have the advantage. Guard towers easily allow you to rip through infantry, and having a war factory near by not only allows you to produce more units, but to repair your units in combat. 虽然不赞成延建筑,但放置一座机枪塔或守卫者炮塔可以让你控制住战斗局势。如果战斗发生在你的家门口,记住优势在你一方。机枪塔可以有效对抗步兵,前线的车厂不光能造车,还能为你的作战单位提供修理。
2、Throwing down War Factories and Barracks as you crawl and push your opponent back, can allow you to not only repair your tanks, but for you to keep your army strong. 在你对敌人进行反击时,放置车厂和兵营不只是修理坦克,也为你的军队补充兵力。 3、Sonic Emitters are extremely powerful and you should always have your defense structure cue filled with them, as throwing one down in front of an opponent’s advancing army is almost always beneficial no matter what ground unit is in said army. 音波塔威力极大,是你防御建筑中最重要的。把它扔到敌人进攻部队前面,不管他的陆军有多少,你都是受益的一方。 Playing with Nod 用Nod进行游戏 Nod isn’t entirely a tank spamming faction anymore. Unit mixing and supporting is more crucial with Nod than any other faction. Luckily for Nod commanders, it is the most versatile faction in the game. Use this to your advantage! I wont mention harassment with Nod, as it is not the point of this guide. Nod已经不再是一个只暴坦克的阵营,兵种搭配你其他阵营更重要。Nod指挥官应该感到幸运的是,Nod是战术最多变的阵营,你应该把它作为你的优势!不过我不是指骚扰,这不是本篇文章的内容之一。 Units produced from the Hand of Nod 步兵 1、Ever since the 1.05 Patch, Nods infantry has become more important and crucial to success than ever. Building Militant Rocket Squads with Attack Buggies (Tsunami) has proved to be a successful way to counter most Scrin and GDI build orders. With the Secret Shrine and it’s Confessor and Tiberium infusion upgrades that give Militant Rocket Squads the elite infantry status capable of shredding through nearly any foe, infantry have become very important to Nod’s success. 1.05之后,Nod步兵变得更加重要,对胜利的影响更大。火箭兵配合四驱车(海啸)被证明能够克制多数GDI和Scrin开局。在秘密神殿中研究圣徒和泰矿注射可以使得火箭兵实力大增,步兵对Nod胜利起的作用很大。
2、Fanatics are great against a sheer cannon inspired foe. Fanatics deal a great amount of damage, and if they are swarmed they will kill the buzzers as they die. Fanatic spam is effective for a small period in the game. Once your opponent sees that this is how you are advancing, they would likely build some APC’s/Buggies/Gun Walkers and quickly eliminate your opposing threat. Once you are able to keep their tanks at bay, continue to build up your base and expand your main army. 狂热者躲避炮弹很出色。他们可以造成巨大的伤害,蜂群杀死他之后也会被炸死。暴狂热者对小规模战斗很有用。一旦对手发现你造了狂热者,他们会运兵车/四驱车/蜘蛛来清除威胁。因此当你把敌人坦克逼退之后,继续发展你的军队和基地。
3、Black Hand is a great way to combat enemy infantry, and deal substantial damage to buildings (although hardly cost effective), the Black Hand is better than the Shadow Team when it comes to wiping out mass infantry spam. However, if used incorrectly, your opponent will be able to kill them with their buggies/APC’s/buzzers. That is why this is a support guide! I am against the spam of a singular unit! Rawr! 黑手对付敌人步兵很好使,对付建筑也有很大的破坏(虽然不一定有这个机会),黑手克制步兵海比影子小队更管用。但是如果没用好,他们会被你对手的运兵车/四驱车/蜂群杀死。对此我不负责任,这只是一个辅助单位指导,我只是叫你不要暴一种兵而已! Units produced from the War Factory 载具 With the substantial nerf to Scorpions, they no longer can win a battle on their own. Also, please note I am not recommending that you go for scorpion spam right off the bat. There are a few things that may help you in your pursuit for map control.
1、Attack bikes provide a powerful punch, and are effective early game. I wouldn’t use them as an assault force though, as thier armor cannot match up to other early game units. The bikes are better spent economy harassing and driving your enemies force away from your base. 攻击摩托火力强大,它们在初期十分实惠。我不建议你用他们进攻,因为它们的装甲比起同级单位太弱了。摩托应该用于骚扰经济和将来犯之敌赶出你的基地。
2、Raider Buggies are great for knocking out infantry, and if you are going for a Scorpion build, if you don’t build infantry to compliment your arsenal, I can nearly promise you will not win. In late game situations, upgrading your buggies with the EMP Burst and microing them to get within your enemies force and deploying can turn the tide in the battle. 四驱车对打击步兵很有效,如果你只造蝎子坦克不造步兵,我估计你赢不了。在游戏后期,给四驱车升级脉冲线圈,利用微操冲入敌阵展开,你就可以直接清场了。
3、In late game situations, the Avatar is a very valuable option. With a massive amount of armor, the Avatar is great for absorbing enemy fire. Again, pure avatar spam will not win you a game. You need to mix your arsenal to come out victorious. 游戏后期圣灵非常物有所值。他的血量可以抗住大量敌军炮火。但是造纯圣灵绝对赢不了,你需要和其他兵种配合。 4、Beam Cannons can also be very lethal in groups, although I wouldn’t recommend building more than five of them, they are great for shredding buildings, and if you have the time to build a few, I would highly recommend it. 光束炮成群后是致命的,不过我不建议造超过5个。它们对付建筑很强大,我强烈建议你要造几个。 5、Stealth Tanks are necessary for countering air. Although they don’t have a ton of health, having them behind your forward force and using their far range as an advantage can secure a victory. I wouldn’t recommend having more than seven of them in your army, however if your opponent is assaulting you with an airforce that would make General Granger speechless, then build more! 用隐性坦克防空是必要的,由于它们皮比较薄,利用它们的射程优势将其放在进攻单位后面打击可以保障你的胜利。我不建议造7辆以上,但如果你的对手使用连葛陵格将军(C&C将军中的空军将军 海洛因注)都自愧不如的空军进攻你,放开了造吧! Units produced from the Air Tower 空军
2、Venoms are nearly useless until upgraded with the Laser Capacitors, and once this is done, your venoms become incredibly powerful units. Although to be effective, you need quite a few, venoms are great for taking out other air (Scrin in particular), and can assist your ground force in the event of a battle. They are extremely effective at countering any type of infantry, and they support a Tsunami rush perfectly. 毒液在升级电容之前用处不大,一旦升级完毕,它将变得非常强大。不过要想让它们发挥出实力你要多造一些,毒液对空军(特别是Scrin)很强,它们也可以支援陆军,对付步兵非常出色,可以完美地对海啸战术进行辅助。 2、Vertigo Bombers are the most powerful air to ground unit in the game. They are effective against ground troops more-so than Firehawks, however it takes 5 Vertigo’s to take out a tech center (for comparison, it only takes 4 Firehawks). I wouldn’t recommend sending vertigos in for building assault, unless you are picking off cranes. They are great for combating Mammoths and tripods, and they have a massive splash radius. Adding them to your force helps to force your opponent to spam anti-air, thus weakening their ground-to-ground force. 眩晕轰炸机是最强大的攻击地面单位的空军,对付步兵也比火鹰更强一些,不过炸掉一座高科需要5架眩晕(与之相比,火鹰只要4架)。我不建议用眩晕拆建筑,除非是起重机。它们对付猛犸和3足很强,同时他们伤害半径很大。早选运会让你的对手修建防空,从而减少陆军实力。 Build, build, build says the MCV! 建筑,用基地车建造! Nod has one of the best defensive unit arsenals in the game. Nod拥有游戏中最好的防御建筑。 1、If you are backed against a wall, Laser turrets can be very effective in removing tanks and other fodder. 如果有墙作为支持(什么意思?),激光炮塔可以轻易干掉坦克。
2、The Nod Sam Turret can knock out air quite effectively, having a large splash radius. They can rip up venoms and other air units in your base, and also at the frontlines provided you have ground control nearby, as the Sam Turret has a fairly large range. Nod导弹塔对空军很有效,它的爆炸范围很大,可以撕碎进入你基地的毒液或是其他空军单位。导弹塔同样拥有较大的摆放范围。
3、The Obelisk is the most powerful tier 3 structure. Taking 4 shots from a Sonic Emitter, and having the ability to be charged by Beam Cannons being able to pop up an obelisk on the front lines provides not only a powerful weapon, but can absorb quite a bit of fire. 光明石碑是威力最大的3级炮塔,4下打掉一座音波炮,还可以用音波炮冲能。它不仅是一个不错的武器,同样也可以吸收很多火力。 Playing with Scrin
Although Seeker spam has proved to be very effective early game (Maybe not as much now that the 1.09 patch draws near), as the game wears on and you are facing, lets say a Mammy/Jugg army, you will need more than tripods alone to knock out and defeat your foe.
虽然探索者海在游戏初期很有效(可能1.09就不是了),但是随着游戏进行,你需要比3足更多的兵种才能击败对手。 Units produced from the Portal
步兵 1、Buzzers are lethal to all infantry, and can kill garrisoned units as well. Mixing them with your seekers leaves you nearly no weakness except for well armored units.
蜂群对所有步兵都是致命的,同时它也可以杀死建筑的驻军。蜂群和探索者的搭配让你除了重装甲部队外没什么弱点。 2、If you are facing predators or other tanks, it would be wise to mix in a few disintegrators with your force.
如果你面对捕食者或者其他坦克,混合一些粉碎者是明智的。 3、As the game wears on, it’s a good idea to upgrade your infantry to shock troopers. These buggers can absorb a ton of cannon fire and shell out quite a bit of damage. Provided you upgrade them with Plasma Disc Launchers, they can become anti-air units as well.
随着游戏的进行,升级突击兵(震波部队/蒜头/小茄子……随便你怎么叫……)是个好主意。这些虫子受到炮弹攻击只受一点点伤害。升级了飞盘之后,它们防空也很好。 4、Assimilators (Engineers) in late game situations, ALWAYS carry these with your army. If you lose a tripod, you can simply scoop it back up so it can fight another day. Having the ability to stealth when standing still also allows a lot more maneuverability for the assimilator. This makes it easier to sneak into your enemy’s base and capture buildings.
同化者(工程师)在游戏后期应该永远随军出征。当你的3足倒下了,只要让工程师一扶就可以再战下去。站立隐身的特性使它更具操作性,它使得你可以把同化者埋伏在敌人基地边上伺机占领建筑。 Units produced from the Warp Sphere
载具 Seekers used to be the only unit needed to win a game. Now with the health nerf, you will need to mix in more units from your Warp Sphere to make up for the now lack of firepower.
探索着曾经是你胜利所唯一需要的,但是血量被削弱之后,你需要其他载具的配合。 1、Gun Walkers are great for clearing out air, however with buzzers raping most infantry, they really aren’t needed in an early game scenario.
蜘蛛(中型坦克这个翻译是猪起的)防空很有效,但是由于步兵有蜂群来搞,游戏早期并不用急着出厂。 2、Corruptors are easily the most underused unit that Scrin has to offer, aside from the gun walker, of course. With its ability to repair your units on the run, the Corruptor is a very versatile unit. Capable of shredding buildings, and melting infantry this unit is underappreciated thus far. Sticking a few of these behind your tripods or seekers/devourer and force firing on your units that are taking damage can be really frustrating for your enemy. Although they aren’t the fasted units in the game, nor are they loaded with health, they are capable to keep your units alive and keep you pressing forward.
3、Devourer Tanks are great when charged, and can successfully kill every tier 1 through 3 unit. Although they don’t have a ton of health, they are very maneuverable and easy to micro. If you are going spam over tech, building these mixed with your seekers and buzzers leaves you with nearly no weaknesses, save for air units.
吞噬着坦克吃了矿以后非常强大,可以虐每个阵营第一行的3种载具。虽然血不是很多,但他们拥有良好的操控性,很适合微操。如果你发展了科技,可以把它与探索者和蜂群混合,这样你基本没什么弱点,除了空军。 Remember, if you are thinking to go all out tripod spam, you are susceptible to being countered with air and or infantry. Be sure you mix up your arsenal as you press forward to maximize your unit’s effectiveness.
注意,如果你只暴3足,你可能会被空军和步兵克死。所以你要混合编队,让单位的效力最大化。 Units produced from the Gravity Stabilizer
空军 Scrin has the best air force in the game, and not using it would be a waste!
Scrin空军是最强的,不用就浪费了! 1、Stormriders are an okay option early game if you are getting rushed with predators, however they are easily countered. Your economy is better used building infantry and seekers/devourers.
如果对手捕食者快攻,风暴骑士是初期不错的选择。但它们很容易被克制,造步兵和探索者/吞噬者坦克更物有所值。 2、After you tech, Devastator Warships are lethal for buildings as well as infantry. Extremely effective at destroying buildings and infantry and their incredible range helps this, so by holding them behind your frontline you can keep firing effectively and not take much damage.
科技发展以后,毁灭者战舰对步兵和建筑都是致命的。他们的射程更是了得,让他们不要太靠近前线,这样火力不会减少,但遭到的攻击就少多了。 3、If you have the money to upgrade your air even further, get a Signal Transmitter and begin to build Planetary Assault Carriers. These have no real weakness and can deploy an ion storm that not only heals itself, but improves its firepower.
如果你不愁钱,可以建造信号产生器来出行星突击航母。它们弱点很少,释放的离子风暴不光能回血,也可以加强攻击力。 Scrin Structural Support
建筑 Scrin has very useful defensive structures that should be used if you are held in your own base.
为了守家的话,Scrin的防御建筑是很有用的。 1、Buzzer Hive. The most powerful of the anti infantry buildings, these are great if you have infantry in your base.
蜂巢是最强力的反步兵建筑,如果对手步兵进了你的基地,建造它们的威力是巨大的。 2、Photon Cannons, or the little hand thingies. These guys are great for soaking up enemy fire as you use your army to knock out the opposing forces. Be sure you have it repairing, and the longer it stays alive the more fire it soaks up allowing your units the advantage.
光子炮,就是那个小手一样的东西。用你的单位攻击敌人时,它们能起到吸引火力的作用。别忘了修理,它们活得越久,吸引的火力越多,你的单位也就越有优势。 3、Storm Columns are good for supporting your air units, and supply a powerful defense if you are unable to hold off your opponents force with simply units. For more information on proper Storm Column usage, please refer to this Tip of the Week on Storm Columns.
风杆可以支援你的空军,或者在你只用单位守不住家时给你以援助。它的更多作用请参阅每周战术提示之风杆(可能我以后会翻译 by 海洛因) 坦克微操技巧 英文作者:Megaowner Micromanagement of your units is hugely important and can be difference between loosing just 5 tanks or 10 tanks in a battle. Micro refers to a player’s management over individual units in combat situations, and is a tough skill to master. You need to be fast and precise in your Execution. 对单位的微操是非常重要的,决定了你在战斗中损失5辆还是10辆坦克。微操是玩家对单个单位的战斗控制,熟练之后是很强大的。你在下达命令时必须做到快速精准。 Directional Damage 方向伤害 In C&C3 units have directional damage, which means that they take more damage at certain areas. In this case these areas being the sides and rear of your units. This means when under enemy fire you want your units facing towards your opponent’s units to minimize the possibility of your opponent hitting your units from the rear or sides dealing extra damage. 在C&C3中是有方向伤害系统的,这意味着你的单位如果从侧面或者后面遭到攻击,受到的损失会更大。因此你需要让你的单位面对它的敌人,从而避免侧面或者后部受到额外的伤害。 When attacking your opponent it’s wise to attempt to surround his units exposing his sides and rear so you can take full advantage of the extra damage which will then be inflicted. This is one of the more important skills to know in C&C3 since the additional damage you can inflict from exploiting direction damages can ultimately win you a fight, quicker and easier with more units left over. 攻击对手时,从侧面和后方进行包围是明智的,它会让你获得所有额外伤害带来的好处。这是一个很重要的技巧,凭借这一点你可以更快更轻松地赢得胜利,保留更多的战斗力。 Reverse Move 倒车 Reverse move is an art in itself and it near enough explains itself. You are basically issuing your units to reverse. The benefits of this is that you can reverse out of battles without having to turn around and driving away normally which would allow your opponent to hit the rear and inflict extra damage. It’s important to save your units for the sheer fact that replacing them costs money, and if you are busy replacing units your force won’t grow. With that said there are times to reverse and escape and then there are times when it could in fact loose you the battle. 倒车的名字本身就已经解释了自己的用途。让你的部队倒车所带来的好处是让它们无需因为掉头而把侧面和后面暴露给敌人,和一般的逃跑不同,你不必因遭受更多损失重新购置军队。有句话讲:你逃跑了多少次,也就输了多少次。 Don’t reverse away single units if your opponent will then out number you. This throws the advantage to him. In cases like this it’s best to reverse all your force back towards your War Factory. 不要只把单个单位撤走,让你的敌人从数量上压过你的剩余部队,最好是把你的军队一起撤回车厂。 Focus Fire 集中火力 To get the most out of your units, you need to micro them so they all don’t shoot at the same target at once and simply waste ammo over killing an enemy unit. For example 30 Predators all attacking the same unit is stupidity. Learn roughly how many shots each unit can take from a certain unit and control your army so that you can kill multiple units quickly and not just one at a time, since this gives your opponents army time to damage your units and take a couple out, when with the correct focusing you can literally kill his tanks off quicker and avoid getting yours badly hurt. 为了让你的单位发挥最大效用,你需要操作它们使得它们不同时只攻击一个目标而浪费弹药。举例讲,30辆捕食者攻击一个单位是愚蠢的,你要搞清打一个目标需要多少发炮弹,从而让你的部队一次击杀多个目标,虽然你的敌人也会给你以创伤,但正确的集中火力会使你迅速搞定对手坦克,避免更严重的伤害。 An example of this would be say you have 20 Predators VS 2 Scorpions. Don’t order all 20 Preds to fire on one Scorp and then the other. Have 10 fire on one, and the other then 10 on the other at the same time 比如你用20辆捕食者打2辆蝎子,别让20辆捕食者先打一辆再打一辆,应该让10辆捕食者攻击其中一辆,另外10辆攻击另一辆,则可以一次解决。 Flanking 侧翼 Don’t just run your army head on into your opponent’s tanks, split yours up into two groups and flank, thus you’re attacking your enemy’s tanks from two sides and forcing him to reveal his units rear and sides to you as he chooses which small group to attack. Micro your army and focus fire on the ones who are revealing there weak spots. If one of your small groups start to get owned reverse away, your opponent will then turn his force around to attack your other small group, at which point you tell the group which reversed away to get back in there and hit the rears. 别让你的军队硬着头皮冲向敌人坦克群,把其分成2组从2侧进攻,你的敌人会选择其中一个小组攻击,因此会迫使其把侧面和后面暴露给你另一个小组。集中火力攻击它的弱点,如果你让其中一个小组撤退,敌人则会攻击你另一个小组,此时你应该把撤退的小组拉回来继续从后部攻击。 Flanking Bases... Needless to say this is pretty self explanatory. Flanking his base from opposite sides at the same time will most likely panic your opponent for a moment as he decides what to do to counter. Thus you can pick things off very quickly and once he does counter you retreat.
Additionally you can steer his attention away by attacking with a large force from one side, then when he is busy with your large force you sneak in a small army from the opposite side. 侧翼进攻基地……不用进一步解释它是什么。从2个对边进攻对手基地很可能让你的对手陷入短暂的痛苦中,他要决定自己该怎么办。因此你可以在他做出反击之前快捞一笔后撤退。另外也可以让对手的注意力集中到正面大军交火,派小股兵力从另一侧潜入他的基地。 Drawing Fire 火力牵制 Drawing Fire... Simply put you send one or two units in to get your opponent’s tanks attention then as they fire upon your 2 units reverse away and move the rest of your army in, your enemy’s units will still be locked onto the retreating 2 Predators while your army is coming in and firing off their first rounds. 火力牵制……先把你以两个单位放进对手坦克群射程之后让它撤退,让你的其余部队冲上,此时你敌人的部队仍然锁定在撤退的2辆捕食者上,白挨了你的军队的第一轮炮击。 Attack Move 攻击型移动 Simply put this command tells your units to stop and attack any enemy unit in range. Say for example you’re on your merry way to his base, and he sends his units, attack move would mean your units will automatically stop and attack his army as he passes yours. 这条命令告诉你的军队去阻止并攻击一切进入射程的敌人。比如你在向敌基地进发的时候,如果敌人派兵阻拦,攻击型移动会让你的单位自动攻击路过的敌人。 Hold Fire 停火 Best used with stealthed units. This command basically tells your units to not fire until ordered to. Great if you have a stealthed force that you don’t want to reveal the location of. 对隐形单位最好用。这个命令告诉你的部队在接到命令前不要开火。这对于你不想让其暴露目标的隐性单位最适合。 Formations 阵型 Use formations to maximize your army. It’s no use sending your units to attack his and they are coming at him in a line. Your force will then just get picked off one by one. 使用阵型来让你的军队发挥最大效力。否则如果你的军队在攻击敌人是排成了一长串,那么将会被敌人逐个击破。 This ultimately helps you since all your tanks can fire straight away, rather than some being stuck behind others and trying hopelessly to get into range while your front tanks are being horribly molested. 阵型可以帮助你的所有坦克在第一时刻都能开火,而不是其中一些因为被堵在了别人的后边,在前边的坦克得人虐时原地打转。 Grouping 编队 Grouping is the art in where you can assign your armies numbers. Thus making them easier to Select. Not much else to explain here, just remember that if you send some units back to get repaired you should firstly remove them from the group so you don’t accidentally order it to another location. 编队是通过给你的军队编号,使得它们更容易被选取。不用过多解释,你只要记住,在派一些单位回去修理的时候,第一件事应该是先把它们从队伍中剔除,这样你才不会又命令它们到别的地方。 火鹰战机与层云推进操作技巧 英文作者:Fritobag What’s a Firehawk you ask?
什么是火鹰战机? A Firehawk is one of the most devastating air units in Command and Conquer 3 that you have at your disposal as a GDI player, allowing you to cripple an opponent’s entire tech with a couple ground pounder bombs, allowing you to start clearing those overpowered sonic emitters and tier3 defenses your opponent has begun to lame, and/or allowing you to bomb enemy warfactories and power plants!
如果你是一位操作得当的GDI玩家,火鹰战机则是命令与征服3中最具破坏性的空军单位之一,它的对地炸弹能让你瘫痪对手的科技,清掉你对手垒的那些过强的音波塔或者其它3级防御塔,也可以用来轰炸敌人的车厂和电站。 Not only that, but the Firehawk’s missile load can be switched from the bombs into anti-air missiles, allowing you to say...potentially take out 10+ venoms or 10+ stormriders with 4 Firehawks alone! So now onto...
不仅如此,火鹰战机可以在炸弹和对空导弹之间切换,这可以让你只用4架火鹰鹫干掉敌人10架以上的毒液或者驭风者。 How does the Firehawk work?
火鹰战机怎么用? Well, first of all, the prerequisites to build Firehawks are a Tech center+ having an airfield with spaces for aircraft available. If you have those prereqs, you will be able to begin construction of Firehawks.
建造火鹰的前提条件是高科+拥有空位的机场。如果你已经具备了,就可以开始建造火鹰了。 The Firehawk can be armed (as mentioned above) with either bombs that own any type of structure, or the Firehawk can be loaded with air-to-air missiles, allowing you to totally own enemy aircraft.
火鹰战机可以装备(前文已经提及)能够克制所有建筑的炸弹和能够克制所有空军的对空导弹。 These are what a firehawk armed with air-to-ground bombs looks like:
Here’s are the Stratofighter icon that allows you to use the Stratofighter ability and here are also the loadout icons, allowing you to switch your Firehawk loadout by simply having your Firehawks on an airfield and clicking either icon.
Firehawk armed with air-to-air missiles:
Once you’ve loaded your Firehawks with, let’s say air-ground-bombs, you’ll want to lift off your Firehawks, find a building to destroy, and simply right click/target the building and let the Firehawks unleash hell! Like below, bye bye tech center:
Firehawk Micromanagement Techniques
火鹰战机操作技巧 When using Firehawks, there are two main keys to being successful:
1) Getting your Firehawks alive to target building to blow up.
2) Not wasting your precious loadout along the way
2)不要在路上浪费了宝贵的弹药。 With the Firehawk, a key technique to remember is ALWAYS use the hold fire stance with your Firehawks. You never want to attack move, or set Firehawks to aggressive, because this means the AI is the one controlling your Firehawks. And while you, the player, realize how important it is to take out a tech center, the AI may think it’s more important to use your Firehawks to take out a lonely riflemen.
使用火鹰时,一个最关键的技巧就是让它们永远保持停火姿态。不要把火鹰A过去,或者将它们设为攻击姿态,这意味着你把火鹰交给了AI控制。你作为玩家明白炸掉高科是最重要的,但AI可能认为炸掉一个落单的机枪兵更重要。 So whenever you have produced a Firehawk, one or more, always hotkey your Firehawks so you can keep track of them and set their stance to hold-fire stance.
所以你在造好一架或更多火鹰之后,应该及时给他们编好队,你需要一直关注它们,并使得它们保持停火姿态。 Using the hold-fire stance also guarantees that your Firehawks will not wander off into 30 pitbulls!
使用停火姿态同样可以保证它们不会没事跑进30辆斗犬堆里! Stratofighter Micromanagement Techniques
层云推进操作技巧 The Stratofighter upgrade is one that many people forget is there. But it’s one of the most useful abilities in the game. The Stratofighter upgrade allows you to essentially teleport your Firehawks to ANY spot on the map! So if you’re opponent has 30 pitbulls blocking your way to bombing his tech center... all you have to do is Stratofighter past those pitbulls, and then use the Stratofighter ability to teleport your Firehawks into his base to do your damage!
层云推进是一个被大多数人所遗忘的升级,但它却是游戏中最有用的技能之一。层云推进器可以让你把火鹰瞬移到地图的任何角落!如果你的对手用30辆斗犬拦在到他的高科的路上,你只要用层云推进越过那些斗犬就可以了。 You research the Stratofighter upgrade at the Tech center here:
The easiest way to gain vision of a safe spot on the map to Stratofighter to is by using the GDI’s Radar Scan ability, or even an Orca Strike:
And you can also use 1 pitbull or any other unit of yours to scout the map and gain vision so that you don’t Strato your firehawks into 50 rocket troops or other danger.
你也可以用一个斗犬或者其它单位侦查一下地图,用以保证不把火鹰推进到50个火箭兵群里。 You can Strato blindly into the fog of war, but it’s not recommended because you’re essentially gambling when you do. Use good judgement, and Strato to parts of your opponent’s base where you know there is not likely to be any anti-air for sure.
虽然你可以直接把它们传进迷雾中,但不建议这样做,因为这如同赌博。通过良好的判断,把战机传到没有敌人防空的位置是最好不过的。 Once you have vision of the portion of the map that you want (or you can Strato without scouting), you’ll need to Select all of your Firehawks, left click/use the Strato hotkey(control+A in below screenshot) to use the ability, and then left click the location where you want your Firehawks to teleport to:
Your Firehawks now will Stratofighter into the atmosphere like this:
And then when they get to the spot they strato’d to you can of course target a building, like this
And keep in mind, when you strato INSIDE of an enemy’s perimeter, you need to bomb the buliding asap...but how will you get out? Your opponent will no doubt be sending pitbulls/seekers and anti-air your way, so a good way to escape unscathed is to fly your Firehawks around the back of your enemy’s base and wait for the Strato ability to recharge, then strato your way out!
记住,当你进入敌区之后,应以最快速度扔出炸弹……但你怎么离开呢?你的对手肯定已经派斗犬/探索者或者其它防空拦截你了。因此最好的办法是继续往敌人基地后方飞,等到推进器再次充能完毕之后脱出! And by all means, if you get into the situation below, please use your Strato ability to escape so your Firehawks live another day!
如果到了下图这种境地,推进器可以让火鹰战机逃过一劫! 除雷铲 英文作者:FreeZZinG 花费 : 1000 Dozer blades are an upgrade from the Nod Technology center and give quite a few bonuses to the Scorpion Tank. The first bonus is the ability to run over or squish heavy infantry. Heavy infantry include Zone Troopers, (GDI) Shock Troopers, (Scrin) and all Commandos which include the Mastermind if you are lucky enough to run it over. Also you can run over disintegrators and take no damage. As normally your tank would take a heavy hit for running them over, now the only damage you take, if any is the actual attack, not the trample penalty. Additionally they can run over mines AND take no damage from the initial mine drop either. So Nods mine drop and the GDI APC mine drop are useless once you get your dozer blades up.
除雷铲是Nod高科的一项升级,他可以让你的蝎子坦克增强不少——第一个好处就是你可以碾压重步兵。重步兵包括重装机兵(GDI)、突击兵(Scrin)和包括摄魂者(你得人品够好才能碾上它)在内的所有特种兵。你也可以毫发无损的碾压粉碎者,否则你会受到巨大的伤害(升级完铲子后,你可能看到蝎子碾过粉碎者还是掉了点血,那时它们打的,而不是碾压爆炸)。另外地雷也对它们无效了,因此升级完铲子之后你就可以无视Nod的投雷和GDI的运兵车布雷了。 Second bonus, is that dozer blades give more health and frontal armor to your scorpion tanks, basically making them more effective in combat since they are already quite weak as far as armor goes. This also applies when a scorpion tank takes a direct hit from a SE. It will survive one hit with dozer blades, but without them, would die in the one hit.
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