A new order of intelligence
Win the game as Supremacy
以「至高」赢得游戏 002 That is the sound of inevitability... Win the game as Purity
以「纯正」赢得游戏 003 We choose our own path Win the game as Harmony
以「和谐」赢得游戏 004 Can you turn the tide of war? Take over an enemy's home planet
佔领敌方母星 005 It's dangerous to go alone! Take this. Upgrade the lasers on your ship
升级星舰的镭射 006 It's our time down here. Defend your home planet
捍卫自己的母星 007 Food for the masses Upgrade the population on an earth-like planet
提升一颗类地星球上的人口 008 The trouble with science… Give away a tech through negotiating with an enemy
与敌人谈判,送出一项科技 009 Light years ahead of the competition! Research a tech to level 4
研究一项科技至第 4 级 010 I, uh, I've been to another planet, Ma. Travel to another planet
前往另一个星球 011 Dodge this Destroy a ship with a torpedo
使用鱼雷摧毁星舰 012 Building a better today Raise a planetary improvement to level 5
将一项行星改良设施升至第 5 级 013 Through the wormhole Use a jumpgate during battle
战斗时使用时空门 014 The technology of tomorrow Research 5 techs to level 4
研究 5 项科技至第 4 级 015 Of all the wonders that I have heard… Control 5 Galactic Wonders
控制 5 个银河奇迹 016 …Wretched hive of scum and villainy Defeat the Pirate planet
击败「海贼」星球。 017 They've gone to plaid! Have a ship in your fleet move 7 or more hexs in one turn during a battle
战斗时,单一回合中将你其中一艘星舰移动 7 格以上 018 I am the swarm Have 4 or more fighters on the map at once during a battle
战斗时,地图中同时有 4 架以上的己方战机 019 We gotta get outta here Win a mission by bringing your flagship to a warp portal
将旗舰送入曲速传送门而赢得任务 020 Women and children first Win a mission by bringing the colony ship to a warp portal
将殖民船带到曲速传送门,在任务中胜出 021 They can't shoot what they can't see Upgrade the stealth module to level 6
将隐形模组升至第 6 级 022 Hit 'em where it hurts Score a critical hit on an enemy ship
暴击敌舰得分 023 It's just a flesh wound Repair a critical hit on a ship in your fleet
修复一次舰队中的星舰遭受的暴击 024 Like rabbits Increase the population on a planet to 10
将一颗星球人口提升至 10 025 Tell me of your homeworld Bring a planet fully into your empire
将一个星球完全纳入您的帝国版图 026 …We don't need roads Create a warp portal between two planets
在两颗星球间建立曲速传送门 027 Take to the skies Start a game using a save game from Beyond Earth
使用「超越地球」的储存展开游戏 028 Span the galaxy Win a Population Victory
赢得人口胜利 029 Knowledge is the key to success Win a Science Victory
赢得科学胜利 030 A wondrous civilization Win a Wonder Victory
赢得奇迹胜利 031 Perpetual peace is a futile dream Win a Domination Victory
获得统治胜利 更多相关资讯请关注:席德梅尔:星际战舰专题
以「至高」赢得游戏 002 That is the sound of inevitability... Win the game as Purity
以「纯正」赢得游戏 003 We choose our own path Win the game as Harmony
以「和谐」赢得游戏 004 Can you turn the tide of war? Take over an enemy's home planet
佔领敌方母星 005 It's dangerous to go alone! Take this. Upgrade the lasers on your ship
升级星舰的镭射 006 It's our time down here. Defend your home planet
捍卫自己的母星 007 Food for the masses Upgrade the population on an earth-like planet
提升一颗类地星球上的人口 008 The trouble with science… Give away a tech through negotiating with an enemy
与敌人谈判,送出一项科技 009 Light years ahead of the competition! Research a tech to level 4
研究一项科技至第 4 级 010 I, uh, I've been to another planet, Ma. Travel to another planet
前往另一个星球 011 Dodge this Destroy a ship with a torpedo
使用鱼雷摧毁星舰 012 Building a better today Raise a planetary improvement to level 5
将一项行星改良设施升至第 5 级 013 Through the wormhole Use a jumpgate during battle
战斗时使用时空门 014 The technology of tomorrow Research 5 techs to level 4
研究 5 项科技至第 4 级 015 Of all the wonders that I have heard… Control 5 Galactic Wonders
控制 5 个银河奇迹 016 …Wretched hive of scum and villainy Defeat the Pirate planet
击败「海贼」星球。 017 They've gone to plaid! Have a ship in your fleet move 7 or more hexs in one turn during a battle
战斗时,单一回合中将你其中一艘星舰移动 7 格以上 018 I am the swarm Have 4 or more fighters on the map at once during a battle
战斗时,地图中同时有 4 架以上的己方战机 019 We gotta get outta here Win a mission by bringing your flagship to a warp portal
将旗舰送入曲速传送门而赢得任务 020 Women and children first Win a mission by bringing the colony ship to a warp portal
将殖民船带到曲速传送门,在任务中胜出 021 They can't shoot what they can't see Upgrade the stealth module to level 6
将隐形模组升至第 6 级 022 Hit 'em where it hurts Score a critical hit on an enemy ship
暴击敌舰得分 023 It's just a flesh wound Repair a critical hit on a ship in your fleet
修复一次舰队中的星舰遭受的暴击 024 Like rabbits Increase the population on a planet to 10
将一颗星球人口提升至 10 025 Tell me of your homeworld Bring a planet fully into your empire
将一个星球完全纳入您的帝国版图 026 …We don't need roads Create a warp portal between two planets
在两颗星球间建立曲速传送门 027 Take to the skies Start a game using a save game from Beyond Earth
使用「超越地球」的储存展开游戏 028 Span the galaxy Win a Population Victory
赢得人口胜利 029 Knowledge is the key to success Win a Science Victory
赢得科学胜利 030 A wondrous civilization Win a Wonder Victory
赢得奇迹胜利 031 Perpetual peace is a futile dream Win a Domination Victory
获得统治胜利 更多相关资讯请关注:席德梅尔:星际战舰专题
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