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龙腾世纪:审判多瑞安Dorian队友间触发对话翻译一览_Dorian and Blackwall

2023-06-12 17:44:41      小编:      我要评论







Dorian and Blackwall

  Dorian: 一个灰袍招募者。听起来真有趣。



  Blackwall: 这就是你对灰袍守护者的看法?

  Dorian: 这没那么糟。我有几个最好的朋友也是杀人犯。

  Blackwall: 他们是通过牺牲自己来赎罪的男人和女人。他们为了你这样的人战斗。为了你们这些穿着丝绸和天鹅绒,就会动动嘴皮子……和有偏见的人。

  Dorian: 现在是谁有偏见了?



  Dorian: 你有多了解“我们这类人”,Blackwall?


  Dorian: 对于某些经常被棒槌敲到脑袋的人来说,可能是一样的。

  Blackwall: 当心我敲你的脑袋。

  Dorian: 这就是我料到你们这类人会做的事。


  Blackwall: 你是怎么把你的头发弄成这个样子的,Dorian?靠魔法?

  Dorian: 靠适当的清洁和梳理。也许你们三个都该了解一下。


  Dorian: 我经常好奇普通人对法师自由的看法。

  Blackwall: 如果你真的在乎,你可以问。

  Blackwall: 噢,但等一下,这举措包括了和我这样肮脏的平民说话。

  Dorian: 没错,就说这么多吧。


  Dorian: 你在那个村庄里俘获了一位年轻女士的视线,Blackwall。

  Blackwall: 我确信你弄错了。

  Dorian: 你说得对,她毫无疑问是在看我。


  Dorian: 对“Andraste使者”这事有什么看法吗,Blackwall?

  Blackwall: 为什么这么问?

  Dorian: 只是需要知道你还能有点更高深的思想。为了安慰下我自己。

  Blackwall: 那你最好给我一块拼字游戏。

  Dorian: 如果我给你一块拼字游戏你就会做吗?

  Blackwall: 没门。


  Blackwall: Corypheus。你们中的一员,不是吗?

  Dorian: 我们中的一员?就像是个宠物?像是只想要成为神明的巨大暗裔仓鼠?

  Dorian: “Dorian,你为什么不能管管你的小伙伴呢?Corypheus又尿在地毯上了!”

  Dorian: 在这句类比里,地毯是指Haven。

  Blackwall: 他是,还是不是一个塔文特魔导师?

  Dorian: 意味着“世上的万恶之源”?他们是一回事,不是吗?

  Blackwall: 有时候确实觉得是一回事。


  (如果判官和Blackwall 搞上了)

  Blackwall: 我知道你在Skyhold打探我和判官的事,Dorian。

  Dorian: 只是想要确认它是不是谣言,大块头。你明白的。

  Blackwall: 我不确定我明白,你为什么感兴趣?

  Dorian: 出于学术目的?我们的后人会想了解的。

  Blackwall: 别、管、这、事。


  (如果判官和Dorian 搞上了)

  Dorian: 我在酒馆里无意听到你问别人我和判官的事,Blackwall。

  Blackwall: 我不确定我是否听得没错。

  Dorian: 你有问题?你的胡子因为好奇而颤抖吗?

  Blackwall: 我不会窥探判官的事的。

  Dorian: 你确定?我能画张示意图给你。

  Blackwall: 不用了,谢谢。



  Blackwall: Redcliffe 里发生的事最好不要传播出去。

  Dorian: 哦?为什么不要?

  Blackwall: 你觉得如果人们知道了法师能改变未来的话,法师的境况会变得更好吗?

  Dorian: 先不去提不是这么回事儿,我怀疑人们会以任何借口讨厌我们。

  Blackwall: 那你不该给他们更多理由。

  Dorian: 当剑被发明出来的时候,所有人都是这个反应吗?“噢,我发红的屁股啊!把这些会用这尖尖的玩意儿的家伙都圈起来再把他们关起来!”

  Blackwall: 这不是一回事儿,你知道的。

Dorian and Blackwall Edit

  Dorian: A Grey Warden Recruiter. That sounds interesting.

  Blackwall: It's not easy finding people willing to shoulder such a terrible responsibility.

  Dorian: Here I thought you poked around prisons, hunting for murderers desperate to escape the noose.

  Blackwall: That's what you think of the Wardens?

  Dorian: It's not such a terrible thing. Some of my best friends are murderers.

  Blackwall: They are men and women, atoning for what they've done by giving of themselves. They fight for people like you. People in silks and velvets. Who talk... and judge.

  Dorian: Who's judging now?

  Blackwall: I know your kind.


  Dorian: What do you know of "my kind", Blackwall?

  Blackwall: I know that what comes out of your mouth is the same drivel that comes out of theirs.

  Dorian: It might sound that way to someone who's been clubbed on the head too often.

  Blackwall: Careful I don't club you on the head.

  Dorian: That's what I'd expect from your kind.


  Blackwall: How do you get your hair to do that, Dorian? With magic?

  Dorian: With proper hygiene and grooming. Maybe all three of you should get acquainted.


  Dorian: I've often wondered what the average man thinks about mage freedom.

  Blackwall: If you really cared, you could ask.

  Blackwall: Oh, but wait. That would involve talking to a dirty commoner like me.

  Dorian: True. So much for that.


  Dorian: You caught the eye of a young woman in that last village, Blackwall.

  Blackwall: I'm sure you're mistaken.

  Dorian: You're right. She was undoubtedly looking at me.———————

  Dorian: Any thoughts on this "Herald of Andraste" business, Blackwall?

  Blackwall: Why?

  Dorian: Just need to know you're capable of higher thought. For my own comfort.

  Blackwall: Then you'd be better served giving me a word puzzle.

  Dorian: You'd do a word puzzle if I gave it to you?

  Blackwall: Not a chance.


  Blackwall: Corypheus. One of yours, isn't he?

  Dorian: One of mine? Like a pet? Like a giant darkspawn hamster with aspirations of godhood?

  Dorian: 'Dorian, why can't you look after your little friends? Corypheus peed on the carpet again!'

  Dorian: In this analogy, the carpet is Haven.

  Blackwall: Is he or is he not a Tevinter Magister?

  Dorian: Meaning 'the source of everything bad and evil in the world'? They are the same, yes?

  Blackwall: Certainly feels that way at times.———————

  Blackwall: It’s interesting watching you, Dorian. The way you carry yourself when you use magic.

  Dorian: I am very good at the whole magic thing.

  Blackwall: No, it’s not that. You find joy in it, not shame. And it shows.

  Dorian: Why be ashamed? Power should be respected, not swept under the carpet.

  Blackwall: Something we “southerners” need to learn, perhaps?

  Dorian: Maybe you’re not a complete moron.

  Blackwall: We were having a moment, and now you’ve ruined it.


  (If the Inquisitor is in a romance with Blackwall)

  Blackwall: I understand you were asking about me and the Inquisitor at Skyhold, Dorian.

  Dorian: Only verifying certain rumors, Big Man. You understand.

  Blackwall: I'm not certain I do. Why the interest?

  Dorian: Academic? Future generations will want to know.

  Blackwall: Leave. It. Be.


  (If the Inquisitor is in a romance with Dorian)

  Dorian: I overheard you at the tavern, Blackwall, asking about the Inquisitor and I.

  Blackwall: I was unsure I'd heard correctly.

  Dorian: You have a question? Are your whiskers quivering with curiosity?

  Blackwall: I would not pry into the Inquisitor's business.

  Dorian: Are you certain? I can draw diagrams.

  Blackwall: No. Thank you.






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