本作新加入了4个新的球员角色,包括边后卫的 Inverted Wing Back, 中场的 Roaming playmaker和 Wide Playmaker最后还有边锋的 Raumdeuter 下面简单分析一下这些角色的意思和用法
Inverted Wing Back 逆翼卫
The Inverted Wing Back will function defensively much like a standard Full Back or Wing Back. However, while a normal Wing Back will offer width to an attack, the Inverted Wing Back will cut inside and make runs through the centre of the pitch, creating space for players around him.
Acting primarily as a central midfielder when attacking, this role is generally although not exclusively used to facilitate wide play from more advanced wingers.
防守的职责类似于传统全能边后卫, 但是相比于其他边后卫的边路支援,这个角色在进攻时会更多的通过禁区前的内切和横向跑动来为进攻球员拉扯空间。而且通常是左脚球员踢右路或者右脚球员踢左路。
重要属性 马塞洛
可用位置: LB, RB, WB,
现实模板:现实中这样的边后卫确实很少,能想到的只有现任马赛主帅的Marcelo Bilsa 钟爱这一战术角色。
Roaming playmaker 中场指挥官
角色解释: The Roaming Playmaker is the heartbeat of his team, driving forward with the ball to spearhead attacks as well as tracking back to cover defensively. Always offering a passing option to teammates, the Roaming Playmaker must have the physical attributes to maintain a high intensity as well as the technical attributes to stamp his authority on the game.
He will look to pick the ball up in deep position and work the ball forwards with urgency, all the while keeping up with play. The Roaming Playmaker will often camp on the the edge of the penalty area looking for room to shoot to try that killer ball which creates a goalscoring opportunity.
重要属性 图雷
可用位置: MC, DMC
球员搭配: 因为更加偏向于进攻的角色定位,身边搭配一名绞肉机是最理想选择。
现实模板:Yaya Toure, Jack Wilshere, Cesc Fabregas, Bastian Schweinsteiger
The Raumdeuter literally translated German means ‘space investigator’. His main role is to find pokcets of space in which to operate. Essentially a wide poacher, the Raumdeuter takes up seemingly harmless positions out wide, waiting for the opportune moment to burst through the defensive line for that telling shot or cross
He is difficult for defenders to pick up as he will drift from his assigned position looking for any opportunity to exploit. This can result in quiet periods, during which the Raumdeuter may neglect his defensive duties, therefore adequate cover and a strong team shape are key in order to fully utilise his attacking prowess in the final third.
重要属性 穆勒
可用位置: AML, AMR
球员搭配: 因为其极端的进攻倾向,他的身后最好有一名防守较好的边路球员去覆盖该路的防守区域。
现实模板:德国媒体直接以Raumdeuter来称呼穆勒了,所以大概他是最具代表性的该位置球员了, 另外切尔西的许尔勒也比较符合定位。
Wide Playmaker 边路组织核心
The Wide Playmaker will act as the team’s primary source of creativity, drifting inside to find space from which to play the killer ball and create chances. Coming in from the wing allows the Wide Playmaker to escape the hustle and bustle of central midfield and can result in him being unmarked by opposition players.
Defensively the Wide Playmaker will take up his position on the wing to provide cover for his full-back; however, his is not expected to make as many tackles but instead he should take up good defensive positions and provide another body in the defensive line.
边路组织核心是球队进攻创意的源泉, 通过在边路送出精准的传球来制造进攻机会。因为其边路的站位可以避开与对面防守中场的直接对话,有时甚至可以靠队友的拉扯而无人防守从容助攻。防守方面,边路组织核心会通过防守站位对边后卫提供有限的帮助。
重要属性 厄齐尔
可用位置: ML, MR
可用职责: 进攻,策应
球员搭配: 边路组织核心往往因为没有很快的速度和强壮的身体,所以需要队友来吸引对方防守球员的注意,边锋和前腰位置的影锋都是不错的选择。
现实模板: Mesut Ozil, Koke, 莫耶斯时期的Juan Mata‘