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2023-06-12 08:34:43      小编:      我要评论

   火焰限界提供4种seduction (引诱,诱惑),不能进行同性别的。目标只对 Edwen,Rhelmar,Sybil,and Randval4个人有效(也就是你的4个小伙伴)。如果你是女性角色,只可以与Rhelmar,Randval。 如果你是男性角色,只可以与sybil ,edwen。宣传动画中的男主角kiss sybil就是达成seduction 引诱条件后的剧情。


  一旦你跟你的小伙伴一起完成了满足引诱条件的任务,必须在before heading into Blackfrosts Palace to face him at the end of Act 3,Chapter 2。Youll have the option to seduce them there 。在黑霜殿,第二章,第三节。

  Sybil 西尔比

  Complete "On Safari with Sybil" 跟西尔比一起旅游

  Complete "Orphan" 孤儿,就是他爸爸死了,你要去安抚下

  Complete "The Icy Library" 找书任务

  Complete "Timid Request" 胆怯的请求

  Complete "A Damsel in Distress"

  Kill the Creator Concubine with Sybil in your party 跟西尔比杀了领主的妾(老婆?)

  Randval 兰德瓦尔

  Complete "The Duel" 决斗,打赢他

  Complete "The Recruitment of Randval" 招募成功

  Complete "Randval the Loner" 孤独的兰德瓦尔,就是第二章一开始的侦查任务

  Complete "A Knight in Distress"

  Edwen 埃德温

  Complete "Edwens Request"

  Complete "The Interrogation of a Deadwalker"

  Side with Edwen at the end of Act 2

  Complete "Edwens Artifact" (this quest ends with the seduction itself)

  Rhelmar 瑞尔马

  Complete "A Cure for the Prince"

  Complete "The Souls of the Elves"

  Complete "Camp Security"

  Side with Rhelmar at the End of Act 2

  Complete "The Soul of a Prince"


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