明天就卷铺盖回校了,到现在为止竟然还没有好心人放个全药水配方,其实只要洗点把炼金技能点到最高就好了嘛!虽然用药水的人不多,必须用药水的时候也不多,但是有些药水效果还是很强力啊! 比如隐身药水就比烟雾弹效果好,盗取NPC财物无需潜行,一瓶下去,立刻隐身~~~小型的更只需要3点炼金技能,实乃杀人越货、居家旅行必备良药!!
Minor phasewalk: star thistle*2 , cripplespore caps*1 , skyblossom*2
Fate potion: essence of fate *4 立即充满Fate值,主线任务送
Purification potion:embereyes*2 ,Ysa ‘breath*2 治愈疾病(不是诅咒)并提供一段免疫疾病的时间
Liquid seduction: scarwood bark*1,tindertwig*1,sky blossom*1 对异性说服能力暂时增加 所有伤害输出暂时增加: Greater damage boost:stiva fibers*4 , star thistle*4 , scarwood bark *3 , essence of fate *1
Minor d………b….: s…………*3, s………….3, s………………..2 所有伤害抗性暂时增加: Greater damage deflection: stiva fibers*3 , star thistle*3 , Ysas breath *2 , essence of fate *1
Minor d………d………: s………….*2, s…………*2, Y………….*1 暂时隐身: Greater phasewalk: star thistle*2 , cripplespore caps*1 , sky blossom*2, essence of fate*1
Minor p……………………….2, …………………...1,………………2 Alchemy技能暂时增加: Greater (Master) alchemists art: embereyes*2, sky blossom*2, bloodroot*2, (essence of fate*1)
minor …………………………………………1,……………..1 Stealth技能暂时增加: Greater (Master) assassins evasion: cripplespore caps*2, sky blossom*2, bloodroot*1(2) , (essence of fate*1)
minor ……………………………………………………….1,………………..1 Blacksmith技能暂时增加: Greater (Master) blacksmiths craft:tindertwig*2, sky blossom*2, bloodroot*1(2), (essence of fate*1)
minor………………………………………….....1………………..1 输出火伤暂时增加: Greater (Master) blazing salve:tindertwig*3, scarwood bark *2, bloodroot*1(2), (essence of fate*1)
minor……………………………………..2………………….1 流血抗性暂时增加: Greater (Master) bleeding resistence:scarlet flowstone*2, Ysas breath*2,seaflax*1,(essence of fate*1)
minor……………………………………………………...2………………1 有几率(75%,60%,50%)点燃敌人 Greater (Master) burning sentinel:tindertwig*3,edelweiss*2,seaflax*1, (essence of fate*1)
minor…………………………………………2,………….1 闪电抗性暂时增加: Greater (Master) current stopper:eel petal*2,Ysas breath*2,seaflax*1,(essence of fate*1)
minor………………………………………2…………….1 Dispel技能暂时增加: Greater (Master) dispelling boost:star thistle*2, sky blossom*2, bloodroot *1(2),(essence of fate*1)
minor…………………………………………1………………1 经验药水: Greater (Master) experience booster:prismere dust*3, leechbark*2, bloodroot*1,(essence of fate*1)
minor……………………………………………….2……………1 物理伤害输出暂时增加: Greater (Master) force potion:stiva fibers*3, scarwood bark *3 , bloodroot*1(2), (essence of fate *1) Minor………………………………………2………………….2 火系抗性暂时增加: Greater (Master) flameguard:tinderewig*2, Ysas breath*2,seaflax*1, (essence of fate *1) Minor…………………………………….2……………..1 吸血药水: Greater(Master) flesh eater:black cohosh*3, leechbark*3, scarwood bark *1(2), (essence of fate *1) Minor………………………………………2……………2 冰系伤害暂时增加: Greater(Master) frostbite:white flake*3, scarwood bark *2, bloodroot*1,(essence of fate*1) Minor…………………………………2…………………1 冰系抗性暂时增加: Greater(Master) frostguard: white flake*2, Ysas breath*2, seaflax*1,(essence of fate*1) Minor……………………………………2……………..1 有几率(75%,60%,50%)冻结敌人 Greater(Master) freezing sentinel: white flake*3, edelweiss*2, seaflax*1,(essence of fate*1) Minor………………………………………….2…………….1 物理抗性暂时增加: Greater(Master) hardened shell: stiva fibers*3, Ysas breath*3, seaflax*1(2),(essence of fate*1) Minor……………………………………….2………………2 红药: Greater(Master) healing potion: black cohosh*3,enbereyes*2,bloodroot*1, (essence of fate*1) Minor………………………………………….2…………..1 回血速度暂时增加: Greater(Master) health regen: black cohosh*3,scarlet flowstone*2, bloodroot*1,(essence of fate*1) Minor……………………………………………2……………………1
Liquid seduction: scarwood bark*1,tindertwig*1,sky blossom*1 对异性说服能力暂时增加 所有伤害输出暂时增加: Greater damage boost:stiva fibers*4 , star thistle*4 , scarwood bark *3 , essence of fate *1
Minor d………b….: s…………*3, s………….3, s………………..2 所有伤害抗性暂时增加: Greater damage deflection: stiva fibers*3 , star thistle*3 , Ysas breath *2 , essence of fate *1
Minor d………d………: s………….*2, s…………*2, Y………….*1 暂时隐身: Greater phasewalk: star thistle*2 , cripplespore caps*1 , sky blossom*2, essence of fate*1
Minor p……………………….2, …………………...1,………………2 Alchemy技能暂时增加: Greater (Master) alchemists art: embereyes*2, sky blossom*2, bloodroot*2, (essence of fate*1)
minor …………………………………………1,……………..1 Stealth技能暂时增加: Greater (Master) assassins evasion: cripplespore caps*2, sky blossom*2, bloodroot*1(2) , (essence of fate*1)
minor ……………………………………………………….1,………………..1 Blacksmith技能暂时增加: Greater (Master) blacksmiths craft:tindertwig*2, sky blossom*2, bloodroot*1(2), (essence of fate*1)
minor………………………………………….....1………………..1 输出火伤暂时增加: Greater (Master) blazing salve:tindertwig*3, scarwood bark *2, bloodroot*1(2), (essence of fate*1)
minor……………………………………..2………………….1 流血抗性暂时增加: Greater (Master) bleeding resistence:scarlet flowstone*2, Ysas breath*2,seaflax*1,(essence of fate*1)
minor……………………………………………………...2………………1 有几率(75%,60%,50%)点燃敌人 Greater (Master) burning sentinel:tindertwig*3,edelweiss*2,seaflax*1, (essence of fate*1)
minor…………………………………………2,………….1 闪电抗性暂时增加: Greater (Master) current stopper:eel petal*2,Ysas breath*2,seaflax*1,(essence of fate*1)
minor………………………………………2…………….1 Dispel技能暂时增加: Greater (Master) dispelling boost:star thistle*2, sky blossom*2, bloodroot *1(2),(essence of fate*1)
minor…………………………………………1………………1 经验药水: Greater (Master) experience booster:prismere dust*3, leechbark*2, bloodroot*1,(essence of fate*1)
minor……………………………………………….2……………1 物理伤害输出暂时增加: Greater (Master) force potion:stiva fibers*3, scarwood bark *3 , bloodroot*1(2), (essence of fate *1) Minor………………………………………2………………….2 火系抗性暂时增加: Greater (Master) flameguard:tinderewig*2, Ysas breath*2,seaflax*1, (essence of fate *1) Minor…………………………………….2……………..1 吸血药水: Greater(Master) flesh eater:black cohosh*3, leechbark*3, scarwood bark *1(2), (essence of fate *1) Minor………………………………………2……………2 冰系伤害暂时增加: Greater(Master) frostbite:white flake*3, scarwood bark *2, bloodroot*1,(essence of fate*1) Minor…………………………………2…………………1 冰系抗性暂时增加: Greater(Master) frostguard: white flake*2, Ysas breath*2, seaflax*1,(essence of fate*1) Minor……………………………………2……………..1 有几率(75%,60%,50%)冻结敌人 Greater(Master) freezing sentinel: white flake*3, edelweiss*2, seaflax*1,(essence of fate*1) Minor………………………………………….2…………….1 物理抗性暂时增加: Greater(Master) hardened shell: stiva fibers*3, Ysas breath*3, seaflax*1(2),(essence of fate*1) Minor……………………………………….2………………2 红药: Greater(Master) healing potion: black cohosh*3,enbereyes*2,bloodroot*1, (essence of fate*1) Minor………………………………………….2…………..1 回血速度暂时增加: Greater(Master) health regen: black cohosh*3,scarlet flowstone*2, bloodroot*1,(essence of fate*1) Minor……………………………………………2……………………1