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orbt xl配置要求高吗?轨道XL配置要求介绍

2023-06-08 19:15:09      小编:      我要评论




  操作系统: Windows XP

  处理器: Dual Core +

  内存: 1 GB RAM

  图形: 512MB +

  存储空间: 需要 300 MB 可用空间

  附注事项: If your specs aren't high enough to play this game, you should really consider saving your money and buying a new computer. A decision like that would greatly improve your life in many aspects rather than the couple hours enjoyment you may get from my game. Or whatever, it's your money ;)


  操作系统: Windows 10

  处理器: Octa Core+ (I am just assuming Octa means 8)

  内存: 2 GB RAM

  图形: 2x GTX 1080 TI (unless you can have more, then by all means)

  存储空间: 需要 300 MB 可用空间

  声卡: I often wonder if a sound card would make my garbage sounds any better. If I didn't get the sounds from a royalty free site, I just recorded weird sounds and then used a free program to slightly modify them so they sounded less like a dude making strange sounds.

  附注事项: Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. We're all going to die. Come play orbt xl.





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