G 38
he was lying on the grass
草 地 场
we played football on the grass
cows eat all kinds of grasses
grasshopper 蚂蚱 蝗虫
grassland 草原 牧场
grass roots 基层群众
grassy 长满草的 草茂盛的
grated cheese
磨碎 的 炉架
I was grateful to him for bringing the books
感激 谢的
it gratified me
使高兴 满足
grating /?ɡre?t??
栅栏 格栅 刺耳的
gratis /?ɡr?t?s
it's yours,gratis
免费的 地
she showed me her gratitude by inviting me to dinner
感激 谢意
gratuitous /ɡr??tu??t?s
免费的 无偿的
the gratuitous violence
gratuity 酬金 小费
grave 墓穴 坟墓
his face was grave
严肃的 庄重的
the sick man's condition is grave