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2023-05-29 13:50:44      小编:      我要评论

Handheld Games Banned: The Implications of Banning English-Language Mobile Games in China

East Asian countries have witnessed a surge in the popularity of mobile gaming in recent years. According to a report by App Annie, China is the largest mobile gaming market globally, generating over $21 billion in revenue in 2020. However, this burgeoning industry has recently come under fire from authorities in China, who have announced a ban on English-language mobile games in the country. This article explores the implications of this ban in China, the potential impact on the global mobile gaming industry, and the reasons behind this decision.

Implications in China

The ban on English-language mobile games in China is part of the government's broader crackdown on foreign cultural influence. The authorities have expressed concerns about the adverse effects that foreign content could have on the country's youth, arguing that it could result in them losing touch with their cultural heritage. Therefore, the new rules will require all mobile games to get approved and reviewed by a regulatory body before releasing them in China.

The impact of this ban will be significant, as many popular games worldwide are in English. Popular games like PUBG, Among Us, and Call of Duty have established vast followings in China, and their ban could result in a significant loss of revenue for game developers. Furthermore, game developers who want to release their games in China will have to comply with the country's strict content laws, which could result in a reduction of creative freedom in developing the games.

Impact on mobile gaming industry

The Chinese mobile gaming market is an essential driver of revenue for the global mobile gaming industry. Therefore, the imposition of the ban may have far-reaching consequences for game developers around the world. The ban could reduce the number of potential players, resulting in a reduction in revenue for game developers, especially for those who depend on the Chinese market for a large proportion of their revenue. The move could also alter the game content in ways that may impact the gaming medium's overall diversity.

However, the ban could also present opportunities for game developers. For instance, the withdrawal of foreign game developers from the Chinese market could create a vacuum, which local developers could fill with their products. Furthermore, the shift in content marked by the establishment of regulatory bodies could lead to more localized content in China, which could result in more diverse and culturally relevant games.

Reasons behind the ban

The latest ban of English-language mobile games in China is a symptom of authoritarianism. The Chinese authorities have made it clear that they aim to reduce foreign cultural impact on its citizens. This regulation target is influenced by the Chinese Communist Party's fear of foreign influence and their obsession with maintaining societal stability. China's President Xi Jinping has expressed his desire to promote "internet sovereignty," which means exerting greater control over online content.

Furthermore, the ban is part of China's efforts to bolster its domestic tech companies. By removing foreign competition from the market, the authorities aim to reduce the so-called national security risks. It allows local developers better fighting capacity to contend globally and create local alternatives to global brands. The result is a protectionism strategy that favors local companies over foreign competitors.


The ban of English-language mobile games in China marks another chapter in the country's efforts to exercise tighter control over foreign cultural products. The ban will impact the global mobile gaming industry in multiple ways, with some game developers likely to lose out while others stand to gain. However, the implications for China's gaming industry could be positive in the longer term, with local developers poised to fill the vacuum left by foreign developers.

The authoritarianism underpinning this move is a critical area to pay attention to, especially as it pertains to larger themes of free expression and cultural exchange. Such political action in China is a warning to global companies that the country can be either welcoming or hostile to foreign firms, depending on how it suits the Communist Party's interests. Ultimately, it remains to be seen how this policy will affect China's gaming industry in the long run and how the wider global gaming community could respond.



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