神界原罪2获取暴君套装图文攻略 Tyant套装属性分享
2023-05-17 07:54:49 小编:沉沦 我要评论
1.The Hands of the Tyrant暴君手套
We found some armour called the Hands of the Tyrant - part of a full set, it seems. The armour has a strange aura to it, almost like it bears some sort of pestilence.
暴君的手套在 Braccus Rex's Tower. 红叉处。
要到达这里最好先通过 Dark Cavern,从途中战斗过的骷髅兵上获得braccu的戒指,就是戴上会被诅咒的戒指,然后到达红圈处,与门前的石像鬼对话,出示戒指遍可以直接传送到红叉。